“FREE” Energy

In discussing cosmonomics, step one is to replace the physical currency we call money with life force.  What the Chinese call chi or the Indians call prana is the radiation of life force from the event horizon around the “black hole” at the center of Earth.  All life exists by bathing within these emanations.

How humanity has been suckered into chasing the power that money represents instead of the real power of having an open channel to the life force freely given to all is the disease of this age.  What other civilizations called chi or prana, cosmonomics calls it by a more descriptive name of anti-gravity or free sensations.  Whatever the name, they all fall under the category of life force and are produced by a fundamental cosmic reversal of breaking memory back into free sensation.

In the cosmonomic view of life there are two border guards that wield the fundamental laws of our reality.  In cosmology these are called stars and black holes.  The star radiates pure memory  (sunlight) by “burning” sensation.  A solar flare is the counteraction on the surface of the sun of an encounter with a strong memorized sensation in our sun’s travels around the galactic center or our galactic supercluster’s travel through the universe.  The sun’s job is to take all random sensations and every lesser memory than its core memory it encounters and, as the local representative of the cosmic force we know as light, impose its memory on everything in its sphere of influence.  Our ego is our mind’s memory of our wounded self.  Our Spirit or Soul is the implanted treasure at the center of our own light.  Our mind gathers sensation into attention and writes memory upon it.

The other border guard is what we call a black hole.  We observe the absence of light (memory) being “eaten” by a black hole but we cannot see the radiation of the event horizon or surface of the sphere.  In a black hole, all memory is broken down into pure sensation and radiated outward.  Our digestive tract is the local biological representative of a black hole living in our belly.  It takes the trapped light (memory) from the sun and breaks it down into usable energy (sensations).

True life exists between these two border guards, pure memory and free sensation, we cannot pass and remain alive.  Aging is the inability of our mind and our gut to fully accomplish the transmutations of memory into sensation and sensation into memory. War, indigestion, solar flares, and nightmares are all the inability to smoothly make these transmutations at different levels.  The same laws rule every world. A volcano and a pimple or an earthquake and a sneeze are the same events operating by the same laws at differing scale.

Why is this important? What if we could demystify events in our life or on our Earth or on the sun and see humanity’s role as life’s transmuting expression right in the middle of these two poles?  Can you sense the power that might be made available to humanity the way our economics gives us a framework and tools to manage our economy?  Cosmonomics is the first steps of human sovereignty by knowing how the organization we exist within works.

Just like economics is polluted with politics because of the power within the ability to embed self-serving narratives into the economy, the revealing of cosmonomics opens both opportunities of true or false. There is an actual ideal lawful system ruling life even if we have yet to truly understand it, embrace it or see the consequences of violation.  Like Oppenheimer and the unleashing of the nuclear bomb upon humanity, the full consequences of cosmonomic empowerment of humanity cannot be seen from here.

There is no doubt that human sacrifice for the release of the life force trapped within a living human has been abused in the past.  And will probably be abused again.  Free energy is not ever free.  It is the inevitable duty and responsibility of humanity to be the living buffer between pure memory and free sensation.  Clearly, life has arisen between the two for a reason.  And if there is a reason for human action, I, for one am ready to know and seize my human sovereignty away from the gods or the demons that know our worth and prey upon us.

Cosmonomics is the organization of our human energy within the control of humans.  Like with economics, there will be abuses, mistakes and attempts to embed dynastic self-interest. But that cannot stop us.  Free energy is a myth and a lack of understanding of the true nature of life on Earth.  Yes, light and sensation are wall to wall in this universe cycling back and forth between star and black hole forever until life shows up to play.

If some beings know the treasure life is, then humans must know their worth too and know how to spend it or invest it.




The Rebel Alliance II