The Rebel Alliance II

My title is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, coming from the iconic Star Wars movies.  In the fictional there and then, a mass of different beings from across the galaxy band together to fight the universal problem of the “Sith Lord” that morphs from a conniving senator to a non-human being consumed by cosmic evil ruling the former galactic republic with a superhuman wielding of fear.  This series of movies tapped into the perpetual drama machine of people and their concentrations of governmental power that transcends time, space and unique species.  This is not a human problem, this is a cosmic issue needing a universal resolution.

With this and last week’s preamble I am attempting to get my readers engaged, not in some titanic revolution or idealistic crusade, but to understand the forces at play (yes, at play) here.  Perhaps the most classic drama of human initiation across all time and space is the old tired but ruthless and powerful king initiates their adversary in a heroic battle of succession where the old king is the foil for renewal.  Can you miss how our own United States is perfectly playing out this drama today?  Could the current administration in Washington be any more “Sith-like”/Keystone cops in their evil arrogance and slap-stick stupidity? It is pitifully laughable and dangerous.

The key here for the body of humanity is to change the game.  The goal is to ascend out of the government/people dyad as old as life itself.  Government has new weapons of control in surveillance, data storage, robotics and AI.  We, the people, had best re-discover our power to rise up in personal sovereignty or we are destined to fall prey to evil authoritarians the priests, writers and movie directors have used to scare us and herd us with.  It is not hard to assign the proverbial powers of evil to our rulers.  Is there a cosmic “force”  to counter it?

How about sleep?  The withdrawal of sensation and its concentration into attention away from the mind.  One cell cannot put the mind to sleep but many do.  The evolution of life has already seen and conquered the problem of evil and ignorance in every living organization.  Walk away. Break apart. Let wrong things starve and die.  Let reconnection with truth and self flourish.  This happens every night for every healthy human organism.  The body puts the mind to sleep.  How is it not obvious to institutionalize the same regular reboot upon governments?

A true rebel alliance laughs at the petty tyrant who lives in perpetual fear of losing the attention of the masses and who will do almost anything stupid or evil to keep our attention.  Many humans have trouble falling asleep at night because tyrannical thoughts in our mind refuse to surrender to reboot.  The body must play a different game than the mind to exert its power. If the mind’s power is to gather sensation into attention to feed thoughts then the body’s power is to withdraw sensation, scatter attention and starve thoughts.  In short, don’t buy the lie or feed the drama.

The mind is not our enemy, it is a child that needs long training to be our ally.  Our government is not our enemy, it has no model to follow but trial and error because it is tasked with all the unresolved problems of dealing with the needs of the body facing the outer world.  Like a child, governments lie, hide and cast blame. The body needs the mind to be its ally, not its enemy.  It takes time and patience. This is a win-win or a lose-lose dyad.

Citadelization is founded upon each human and each cell’s ability to remember its own unique life force.  Self-interest is programmed into the deepest recesses of life itself for good purpose when faced with the herding instinct that also has its purposeful coding in the human organization.  Governments herd.  People wander and wonder.

I cannot say how difficult will be this time when, we the people, must put our government to sleep before it kills our unity in the place where every tired mind ends each day arrogance or stupidity.  A healthy mind goes to sleep in prayer and gratitude. That could be our tired old government if we the rebel alliance play this game just right.

Maybe the endless selling of their soul for money and power or to keep their secrets is finally ready to implode.  Ironically the people of the Soviet Union might just be a model for how to become so peacefully ungovernable that the system collapses without a fight.  They put a dangerous empire to sleep, and so can we.

To be continued…


“FREE” Energy


Life Abundant: Capitalism or Communism