Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Rebel Alliance III

If we look objectively at our mind, its pro and cons, we see as complex, as dangerous and as satisfying a relationship as can be found in all of life.  The Chinese for thousands of years have named the mind a “wild horse” to describe both its power to move and its difficulty to tame.  One could make the case that any and all “alien” invasions would penetrate the mind to conquer humanity and our mind might mistakenly, but easily ally with off-world ideology and technology while abandoning its own heart and body.  Equally, the relationship between government and its citizens rivals this embedded potential battle space we all face within.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Rebel Alliance

Today humanity is living on the edge of overt terror and chaotic explosion of existing systems.  Some humans are completely asleep to these psychic pressures, some feel the collective angst but see no solution and a few humans are designing a pathway forward.  If you see and feel the increasing dictatorship of governmental mind as an existential issue then you are ready for this conversation.

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