The Rebel Alliance

Today humanity is living on the edge of overt terror and chaotic explosion of existing systems.  Some humans are completely asleep to these psychic pressures, some feel the collective angst but see no solution and a few humans are designing a pathway forward.  If you see and feel the increasing dictatorship of governmental mind as an existential issue then you are ready for this conversation.

Step one is to close the door to existential apocalyptic collapse.  When faced with authoritarian dictatorship, the natural tendency is to run away.  And in the past, when there was land free of governmental authority, this was generally better than staying to fight for a balanced sovereignty.  Today, there are no free lands for the rebels to run to.  The strategy that supported both the authoritarians and the rebels, territorial and population expansion, is no longer possible or needed to cover Earth with humans.  Now is the moment of reckoning for the two opposing strategies of control and escape.

After all our recorded history of trial and error the narrow gate of harmonious reconciliation of people and their governmental mind lies before us.  On one hand memory storage, computing power, artificial intelligence, mass surveillance, and soon, machine based law enforcement have supercharged the governmental mind.  On the other hand, modern agriculture and transportation, sanitation, global supply chains, resource extraction have created a population bubble and a supercharged body of humanity.  Both mind and body fear the other and there is no modern concept of heart, church and human purpose to bind together one harmonious organization.

If we assume, both, there is no stopping AI’s adoption and no new government free land to escape to, then there will be a new form of slavery or a chaotic collapse where either the mind or the body “win”.  Or the third way and the narrow gate.  The body of humanity rises up to meet and balance the enhanced empowerment of the governmental mind.  A rebel alliance.  The mind and the body in equal and opposing empowerment is the perfect formula for the arising of higher emotional body and heart center as described in cosmonomics.

So the challenge for humanity lies in enhancing the self and co-empowerment described as citadelization.  This is not the stage of citadelization arising from simple decentralization such as food storage, on-site electrical generation, home schooling, etc.  Although important, to truly not just prepare for collapse as a body win/mind lose outcome, requires the co-empowerment of humanity within the embedded design structure of the political organization. A design structure allowing for true balance of mind and body, government and people and therefore the perfectly balanced dynamo with the sensitivity and ability to respond through the heart to cosmic and extra dimensional forces.

How can billions of people create a structure of citadels while the governmental mind fears and actively blocks such an assembly of empowerment?  It is already happening, through the internet.  Legacy media and its control over information is over.  A complex system of cell to cell communication and neural network grows stronger everyday.  Meditation and self help techniques empower the individual sense of self as those religions captured by the governmental power structure lose their relevance in programming the group conscience.  Self consciousness and personal power through social media is creating a network effect between humans beyond governmental control.

As the body of humanity recreates the instinct and rhythm of the individual human organism with its balance between day and night, awake and asleep, discovery and repair and infuses our political structures with an easy and willful surrender both ways, from the people to their government and from the governmental surrender to the power of the people, then we will be moving to a balanced and resilient and capable human organization.

What if our Creators are weary of wielding a pitchfork in the back of humanity simply to get the harvest from humanity that is the cosmic purpose for our shared existence?  Mass harvest by forced reconciliation of intense emotions through war, pandemic and natural disasters is so last millennium.

Can humanity grow and learn to live in a conscious win-win with the cosmos?  If so, it will start with a true harmonization with our local authority known as government.  And to begin to deal with the psychopaths who worship soul collecting and so gravitate to government, we need our own rebel alliance.

To be continued…


Higher Emotional Body


The Dictatorship of Mind II