The Dictatorship of Mind II

Last week we set up the conundrum of our obvious need for a point of organization within the ocean of all possibility and at the same time the dangers of empowering the point of organizing we call mind.  It is easy to see the fallibility of our own mind as a trial and error mechanism in its slow and often painful learning and growth.  And yet if we transpose the bioadministration blueprint to larger human organizations, we see the organizing power of governmental mind is prone to tyrannical self deception of infallibility and catastrophic collapse of order.

This gulf between an individual human’s three body dynamic of mind, heart and body with its inherent checks and balances and larger human organization’s propensity to allow for childish, immature and destructive imbalances within its three body complex must be bridged.  I offer bioadministration as that bridge. Who can deny the naturally formed power dynamic between church, state and people or man, child, woman of every attempted organization of humanity from large to small instinctually matches the heart, mind and body of a human?

Every human is born into a memory-free world of chaos on the outside and also born with a core subconscious program imbedded deep within the mental programming written by all the forces of evolution to control all the basic functions of life.  There is a center of attention buried so deep that only a few yogis have learned how to manage control over this embedded knowledge upon which life rests.  Thank God for the unapproachable dictatorship of mind we all carry within us and our inability to overthrow its rulership.

I bring this up to remind us all the ordering power of government is deeply and powerfully embedded within this thing called life on Earth.  There is no escape for humanity from dealing with the issue of group mind.  Just like we each enter life with our memory bank wiped clean and must first learn and then master the power of our individual point of attention, humanity is tasked with learning how form and then exert power over our group mind called government.  Even the word government means “regulate mind”.

Bioadministration invites us to wipe away the memory bank of all the failed isms of past organization other than to say that nothing has worked yet.  No governmental model tried so far is worthy of the human spirit if we consciously assume the dangers of empowering of a true dictatorship while also admitting the model we are striving to achieve is said dangerous true dictatorship of mind and therefore of a dictatorial government.  Humanity will only reach its true potential and destiny by becoming one higher organism the way each of our cells has surrendered to its organization to climb the ladder of evolution.

I find myself repulsed by this logic and my own personal loss of personal dictatorship.  And yet I daily submit to being taxed, being policed, being judged, being incarcerated, being indoctrinated within a system of dictatorship that is unworthy of my surrender to.  I live in the freest governmental mind with the best empowerment of individual liberty on the planet because of a constitution designed as a tripartite balance of power that was a good birth into humanity.  But now I am a mature mind and I find myself unwilling to surrender to my government even before it attempts to conquer the world for the “rules based order” and to instill digital currency and digital recording for the dictatorial control of my every action.

This is the terror of the situation.  Life on Earth, based upon logic and experience, is destined to drive humanity into one organization.  There will be mind.  There will be government.  Government will be a global dictator.  At the same time, to remain alive and as a potential source of empowerment within the solar system we must remain individually sovereign and capable of carrying incredible contradictions and divisions for the production of “our daily bread” of ecstasy as described by cosmonomics.

This is our human destiny.  To become One.  While remaining individually sovereign.  Both are only possible in a win-win organism that is the human blueprint.  And win-win means the heart and body of humanity are required to up their game to play at the level of the dictatorship of mind.


The Rebel Alliance


Attraction and Repulsion