Attraction and Repulsion

In our journey to the zero point over the last two weeks describing the first and second conscious shocks we have only considered the attractive force that lies at the center of the zero point calling everything back home to a fully reconciled state.  We humans use this innate ability to center ourself psychologically and the attractive force of homeostasis biochemically to remain conscious and alive. What I have been describing with the conscious shocks is humanity’s ability and responsibility to restore homeostasis to whatever you want to call the organism we live inside of.  God, the solar system, Gaia.

Attraction described as magnetism, as gravity, as chemical bonding are simply subsets of this attractive force which lies at the center of everything and is most simply stated as Unity or God is One.  Any living created organization must have an idealized unitarian state, a sense of true self at the center of being and attention.  In cosmonomics we call this the memory of God, the Idea that everything resolves into and therefore exerts attractive force upon. Is it so hard to believe that all our science and the laws of this universe are based upon the attraction of being One?

It does not take long to ask why we are not there yet? Being One?  That is where repulsion comes in…to prevent the game of life in this dimension from attracting everything immediately back into the zero point. Repulsion implies division, the fragmentation of Unity. And for there to be competing charges of attraction and repulsion means there is ability to store energy in the division and to harvest it on demand by the reconciliation of division.  The energy sitting in your car battery waits for its Master to turn the key to engage the starter motor by opening a demand circuit for the energy to flow from the divided state between the lead and acid of the battery to the electromagnetic reconciliation between to the rotor and the windings of the electric motor.

You want to know you have a charged up battery and a tank full of gasoline ready for any adventure.  You want to know you have saliva, stomach acid, digestive enzymes and bile all in storage ready to process whatever you take in your mouth.  To be alive is to have the ability to respond to disturbances and to take action.  Life requires stored energy.  And energy in storage is energy in a state of repulsion.  Is it hard to believe that the other polarity of science and the laws of the universe are based upon studying forces repulsive to Unity?

In the world of religion these attractive and repulsive forces have been described as good and evil.  Christ the forgiver (reconciler) of sin. The Devil, the divider and the creator of division.  The first and second conscious shocks are techniques that should be taught by a Christian religion to allow for the reconciliation of division from our body, our heart, our mind, our family, etc. And, how to die taking the maximum amount of division with you. Hallelujah!  But religions that breed only reconciling sheep means that the job of the devil must be concentrated elsewhere in the community.

Division and repulsion is sacred too.  To vomit when you ingest a poison is good.  To expel semen when you reach a state of ecstasy is beautiful.  The creation of culture and the expression of art by defining and separating colors and sounds and shapes is an expansion of life.  When both division and reconciliation, repulsion and attraction reach a higher state, there is also more beauty and there is also more danger.  Life is fully charged.

I described the first and second conscious shocks to guide us into the zero point.  Now I describe the power of division to oppose the zero point.  The more we can know and feel the Unity of all things that is the attractive force behind the zero point while at the same time loving the diversity created by distinction opens a space within a human for the states of transcendent beauty, wonder, surprise and ecstasy.

There is no shortage of division and disharmony in the world today.  There is a charge building up in the battery of life. This state cannot last.  Disturbances inside the body of God call for mass harvest of human life for the restoration of cosmic homeostasis….or….each human could pick up their own cross of division and contradiction in their own minds, hearts, bodies and communities.  We could all find the Christ of true forgiveness inside ourselves and willingly produce the harmonizing force that is demanded in human death.

There are also crosses of suffering we bare unnecessarily.  When we are in an endless loop of contradiction, pain and sadness in our mind, our heart, our body, our relationships then we are stinking up the world and putting an increased burden on ourself and God. A good dose of repulsion, even anger, can restore life by separating from something we cannot resolve by simple forgiveness.

Attraction and repulsion are forces for humans to know, to understand the consequences of and to wield. The health and vitality of every human and human organization requires understanding these forces. Because, they rule this world.


The Dictatorship of Mind II


Memory, Routine and Citadelization