Memory, Routine and Citadelization

The human organism is a unity of trillions of individual cellular life forms who from one point of view are born in a prison they can never escape from.  More true is the human cell is in a win-win partnership of super mobility, capacity and memory.  The single cell has a lifespan of days to months but lives within an organism that has persistent memory and routine allowing a newborn cell to be essentially fully capable of birth within an organization that approaches eternal life.  Let’s explore how memory and routine are a chief ally in citadelization’s sense of self.

Remember how important citadelization’s individuation is to the long-term pursuit of life.  The cycle of day and night, awake and asleep is innate to our aggressive capacity to organize in symphonic pursuit of any and every shiny object of our desire.  To sustain this capacity requires its opposite of complete surrender to the unique individuation of each living cell to nightly return to its own self-need and healing. Think of a human government or corporation that sent every member home at night with the instructions to completely forget any group work or responsibility. Your winning is our winning.

To balance this need for complete rest and forgetting and to allow for new millions of new cells joining our life every day to be already fully capable, life has given us memory and routine.  Think of memory as conscious and routine as subconscious.  The programming for trillions of individual cells to accomplish walking and even running downstairs takes countless repetitions to perfect.  Once perfected, the mind can run this very complex, routine program from a subconscious part of our brain because we do not need the attention to remember the program.

Our globalized economy is an externalization of the same win-win relationship at the humanity level.  We go out in the daylight to contribute our unique place in a vastly complex organism and return home at night to a maximized self-restoration and reflection.  After the COVID lockdown experience, we all know firsthand how important routine is to the functioning of any complex organism.  The building from the ground up of a global economy takes billions of individual memories woven into a perfected routine.  Don’t break the routine unless you want to ‘fxxk-up’ the organism.

Memory and routine are deeply entwined within a win-win organization.  The ability to respond to threats and opportunities comes from the refined practice of a unity of purpose remembered instantly.  From the original simplistic need of cells to clump together on a cold night to competing in the Olympics is all tied up in individual cells making the choice to organize for individual and group benefit. Without a unity of purpose organized from the willing commitment of trillions of individual choices to participate, there is no citadel for the self to reside within.

The United States has been so successful because its governing structure has harmonized with these laws of win-win cooperation.  We have also seen all sorts of other experiments on human organization that were not based upon voluntary commitment to a win-win relationship.  Kingship, dictatorship, slavery, serfdom.

Every one of these failed attempts to externalize the divine blueprint within humanity contains the violation of personal freedom to choose the path of self-benefit within an organization that remembers and routinizes win-win cooperation. When a newly born muscle cell or liver cell awakens it immediately participates next to a parent or grandparent that has no special privilege or social benefit separate from the newborn.  Everyone participates fully together until it is time for rest and sleep.  Memory and routine and self-sovereignty must be in alignment and in harmony for the maximally capable blueprint of the human organism to be externalized within humanity.

If any of your cells are no longer connected to the unity of purpose maybe they are overworked and filled with uric acid.  Maybe their nucleus has been penetrated by a virus and has had their purpose hijacked by the reproduction of death cult programming.  Maybe persistent memories attached to painful events are being overfed by excess sugar and visual imprinting and those memories become a routine that saps the vitality for new experience.  There are so many ways to fall into win-lose consciousness.

This elegant balance between self-sovereignty and routine harmonious collective action is the gold standard of win-win cooperation.  Humanity is still experimenting on how to achieve this great victory of life.  We all get our routines interrupted by the memory of painful errors.  We all get seduced into cults and blind allies that want our willing choice to serve them.

That is life on Earth. We have the perfect model, imperfectly understood and constantly being disturbed.  Welcome to your own personal wake-up call.  It’s I win, you win, we all win or bust.


Attraction and Repulsion


The Dictatorship of Mind