Higher Emotional Body

One day, again, it will be common knowledge we humans have a unique gift of producing the “food of the gods”.  Our physical body may return to Earth as worm food but in life and death we humans produce a spiritually available energetic “food” we call emotions.  There is no evolution of humanity or any single human without first understanding these facts of life and then beginning to manage the production of said finer energies.

Over these last several blog posts on the foundations of cosmonomics, we have discussed our ability to use our own body, heart, mind triad to produce a higher emotional force with the first and second conscious shocks.  We discussed the forces of attraction and repulsion maintaining a balanced dynamo within the biosphere of Earth to manufacture, store and harvest higher emotional force. From another vector of bioadministration, we have also seen the call for both the body and the heart of humanity to intensify their contributions to humanity in this age to balance the incoming AI-fueled technocratic governmental mind and the consequences if we fail to do so.

Humanity has been led to this narrow gate of initiation before.  Messengers arise and religions form to attempt to teach humans of their inborn power or, at minimum, arise to manage the human harvest towards reconciliation even if there is no explanation as to the human gift and purpose.  In this age, humans are capable of understanding and deserve to be treated as co-creators with our emotional energy, not just milk cows for all the hidden spiritual forces, beings and agendas who know how to stimulate humanity to be fed.

The curation of our emotional expressions is similar to each human’s relationship with our own billions of microorganisms living on the walls of our intestinal tract.  The first specialized organs to co-manifest in our embryonic fetal development is our intestinal lining and our central nervous system.  That is why the subject and quality of the thoughts in our mind are directly connected to the microorganisms attached to the lining of our intestines.  There is a direct correlation to the microorganisms (both beneficial and harmful) that call out to be fed from our gut to the thoughts that swim around in our mind and come around routinely to stimulate our thoughts and therefore our emotions for a feeding.

To have any chance of taking dominion over our mind requires us to begin to curate our own consumption of physical foods and the programmed light we take in through our eyes.  Similarly to begin to restore balance to our governmental mind requires we the people to curate both the ideas and the energy we provide from within our humanity and to set up protections against harmful ideas and foods feeding and stimulating us parasitically.  Human life on Earth can be a wild jungle or a maintained garden depending upon how we tend our emotional output over time.  We cannot change the composition of the billions of microorganisms living in our gut overnight but we can, over time, take dominion over our being by conscious choice.

My proposal and my offering by walking my readers step by step over and over through the jungle we find ourselves in today, is to begin the long climb of humanity to self sovereignty and a true win-win relationship with the Being we inhabit.  Yes, we will continue to provide finer energies as a co-creator with the higher form of life we live within but cannot yet see.  Our livers suffer moment to moment in the dark bowels of the engine room of our living ability to respond to any external change by accomplishing complex transmutational chemistry.  Humans do a similar job for the higher being we are a living part of and the more we see our emotions as a refinement of life force instead of messy expressions of trauma and chaos the more gently and gracefully we humans can do our job.

The mystification of human purpose on Earth cannot remain hidden as we open more and more energetic doors with science.  This imbalance threatens to upset the balance required to remain alive or the organism of life on Earth, maybe even the solar system, must die and be reborn.  This is a big deal for both humanity and the Being we co-exist within.

Humanity is designed with higher emotional and mental bodies in embryo.  They require nourishment and attention to develop.  This is the spiritual journey that has been available to every human who has taken the time and energy to look and follow the path of self realization.

I propose this age is when this pathway is open for humanity en mass.  Cosmonomics is the science of harmony with what generally remains hidden and dark but deserves to be honored and embraced to feed the godhood within ourself and within all humanity.


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