Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Higher Emotional Body

One day, again, it will be common knowledge we humans have a unique gift of producing the “food of the gods”.  Our physical body may return to Earth as worm food but in life and death we humans produce a spiritually available energetic “food” we call emotions.  There is no evolution of humanity or any single human without first understanding these facts of life and then beginning to manage the production of said finer energies.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Coin of the Realm

Nowhere has a long con been better executed than in the realm of money.  What was physical and required effort to obtain through human labor has become the division of zero, nothing into a positive number and an equally negative number.  Double-entry bookkeeping. At least in the past, there was a fancy paper note.  Today it’s all electronic.  But this is not the con game I am referring to. Currency as fiat money is just the cherry on top of a con to separate humans from their true wealth— being, harmony, and wisdom.

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