The Coin of the Realm

Nowhere has a long con been better executed than in the realm of money.  What was physical and required effort to obtain through human labor has become the division of zero, nothing into a positive number and an equally negative number.  Double-entry bookkeeping. At least in the past, there was a fancy paper note.  Today it’s all electronic.  But this is not the con game I am referring to. Currency as fiat money is just the cherry on top of a con to separate humans from their true wealth— being, harmony, and wisdom.

What is the matter or energy a single human possesses for valuable exchange with the biosphere and for the cosmos and with other humans?  Let’s take each of these three in order. The biosphere wants your waste products.  Carbon dioxide to feed the plants. Urine to acidify rock. And excrement to fertilize the soil. To be alive in a functioning body is to be in authentic exchange and balance with the biosphere.  No getting ahead of the pack here unless you consider being fat, full of shit, starved of oxygen, or overly acidic as being rich by holding your waste products inside your body.

Let’s move on to the cosmos.  Here we have certainly lost the thread of our cosmic purpose by forgetting the coin of the realm.  Attention, memory, sensation, and emotion.  Each one is a discreet form of cosmic currency which often get blended and packaged into forms of currency which can be stored within the self or spent, wisely or unwisely.  The cosmos seeded humans with these four forms of currency for a reason.  Much of cosmonomics is founded on the study of the economics of these currency exchanges.  Many books and essays will be written to explore these energetic supplies and transactions.  This subject is well beyond the scope of this short blog post except as another reminder to humans they have value that is both hidden and preyed upon.  There is much to learn. Stay tuned.

And finally the third realm of currency exchange, between humans.  This transaction system is the most manipulated and therefore unfair.  In the biosphere, the energetic exchange is as communistic as possible “Each according to their needs, each according to their abilities”.  And with the cosmos, we can be at a severe disadvantage up to the level of being cows milked on demand.  But the interactions between humans cover the full range of all forms of currency and we handle them all poorly.  We are greedy with physical currency while we freely spend energetic currency most often as re-confirming ego, spreading dis-ease, and generally as unconscious spells of black magic. Sloppy, if, we were not so ignorant.

You might say I am harsh upon humans and, yes, we are in an age of devolution which both intensifies and exposes our failings.  It takes conscious intent and training to mix the currencies of attention, memory, sensation, and emotion into spells of positive white magic whereas we also have free reign to pollute the psychic environment with its natural consequences among our friends, families, and co-workers.  Perhaps this is the entire game of personal success or personal failure for which our Creator has set up our world.  Free will with an inescapable feedback loop puts the world or the blame right at our own feet.

Perhaps now you see why I am choosing to concentrate on the currency of human interaction.  With nature, there is health and disease.  Easy to master and thrive.  With the cosmos,  there is so much wandering in the dark that we are easily forgiven for our sins.  But with human interaction in life, we are given much volume and freedom of expression in our currency exchanges.  This Earthly realm in human community is the true test of our being.

By invoking the word being, I am opening a new dimension of currency and that is wealth.

A human in life may accumulate many riches and possessions which can be traded or spent.  Being is in its own classification along with harmony and wisdom as the highest attainments of being human.  Why? If life on Earth is a test or a game to be won by accumulating certain points, then what scores the points?  The yardsticks of success or failure which can spend outside of time come from the acquisition of being, harmony, and wisdom in life.  

The raw materials for the coining of true wealth are attention, memory, sensation, and emotion.  Our body, heart, and mind supply each of these currencies in the game of life and we are all supplied, mostly, in divine fairness. If you were God, and the game was rigged for the biosphere to win and for the cosmos to win, no matter what, then would you leave humans, that part of creation with the most Godlike risk, challenge, and opportunity without the ability to win?  I say no.

Just by asking a simple question—“what is the coin of the realm?” and also “where do we place our value?” much is revealed.  Now imagine a world re-founded upon the currencies and the forms of wealth our Creator made sure we must eventually return to in death.  Being, harmony, and wisdom are all we can take with us.  The true coin of the true Realm.


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