Why Government?

From the perspective of bioadministration, asking “why government?” is as ridiculous as asking “why mind?”  The trillions of living cells we call a human without a mind and all its sense organs would be much better off free from the body to develop their own senses and way forward.  But that is not the way life on Earth developed.  Life chose the most capable and efficient way to interact with nature through this specialized organization we call a human…  a collective agreement among trillions of living cells… with a mind to organize what’s inside and outside.  

That said, how many examples do we have of humans led astray by their minds?  Up a level, how dysfunctional are governments attempting to lead humanity throughout history?  History is a shit show written by stupid minds in stupid governments. So I can understand the revolutionary forces and the anarchists calling for the downfall of government. Can’t happen, for long.  The individual has the circuit breaker of a good night’s sleep and bioadministration calls for a new structural relationship between government and people that forces rest periods upon the government. So there’s already a solution and an awareness of how to apply the solution going forward.

What is missing is an understanding of the true mission of the mind and an appreciation of how hard that mission is.  So today, instead of casting stones at our governments who are obviously failing, rapidly, I am hoping to lead us on a compassion tour.  As much as a rebellion against an oppressor is cathartic, true sleep is not supposed to be a rebellion but an instinct to repair. 

In each stage of becoming an adult human, it is natural to error.  Learning to walk includes a thousand falls.  Learning to talk includes incessant babbling.  Emotional control involves levels of screaming and crying that are probably the true invention of shame.  These stages are so natural that, once through, all is so easily accepted and forgiven.  But in the middle of each developmental stage, there’s a relentless drive to succeed that allows no time and space for sympathy or for enshrining failure. 

With the mind and its storehouse of memory, picking ourselves up from failure is a little trickier than the drivers of pain (body control) and of shame (emotional control).  Today on Earth, truth or right and wrong leading to understanding is the war zone of human evolution. Yes, some humans have reached a high state of mental development but as a species, as represented by our governments, we are nowhere near “learned”.  

With our mind or our government, there seems to be no fixed point of learning.  Walking. Talking. Feeling. These abilities all have very defined endpoints enshrined into instinct.  Whereas mind?  Life teaches mind how to catch rabbits and build spaceships.  To go where?  What is the purpose of Life?  Whatever the answer, it’s infinitely more complex than “What is the purpose of walking?”  So first, stop the blame game for just a minute. The idea of government is the masterwork of humanity on Earth.  We cannot stop trying to succeed but innumerable failures are in the cards.  

Perhaps a metanoia within humanity is now possible.  What if we all admitted that we are in a massive, generation-spanning experiment using repeated trial and error to form a government that works as well as our minds work for our hearts and bodies? And if all the current and past failures in governance make us think about going to live alone in the woods, I understand that feeling.  If the next trial we set up is like the Chinese social credit score with digital currency controlled by an embedded chip then I will be a hermit.  To give a computer the keys to the human kingdom is not just desperate, it is stupid.  What is wise and patient is bioadministration.

Look I understand how tired the collective emotional body of humanity is right now.  It’s ready to pop.  But going towards trans-human anti-life is a way for the mind to put the heart and body to sleep. Never the life-giving choice. It’s sure to fail spectacularly. So I am proposing what feels to me like the safest and wisest next trial, to set up a new governance structure using the blueprint of the human organism. 

So I invite my fellow humans to have some compassion for how hard it is to establish a mind of humanity that won’t kill us all.  I also invite my fellow humans to forgive all the individual humans that gravitated to government for good or ill purposes.  You have failed. We forgive you, now get out of the way.  We have a new plan. We have a blueprint that has been in the design and testing room of planet Earth for thousands of generations. Bioadministration has the highest potential for success of any proposed organization of government.  

Walking has become dancing.  Talking has become singing.  And emotions have become worship.  What will mind and governance become?  Maybe that’s too much for you to imagine, but it is time to have some compassion (not sympathy) for the long journey humanity is on into an undiscovered country with no map.  Except bioadministration.


Scientific Inquisition


The Coin of the Realm