Scientific Inquisition

When the history of this time is written in earnest, it will be compared to the religious inquisition of the Catholic church in Spain just before the Enlightenment.  The pure evil that can infect human organizations at the mental and emotional level cloaked in self-righteous and self-proclaimed truth was symbolized for me by the use of a high-backed “confession” chair with a hole just behind the neck.  A rope was placed around the neck of a human that authorities decided needed to repent and see the “truth”.  That rope was then put through the hole in the high-backed chair and a twisting, tightening stick was placed on the rope to facilitate the squeezing of the neck until the confessor’s eyes popped out of their skull. These inquisitors were “men of God”. Do I have your attention?

I describe this method of human torture in detail to fully engage your emotional body as to the analogy I am making, namely, comparing that level of organizational disease of 16th century religion with today’s scientific inquisition supported by the state.  It sounds ridiculous to us today that during the religious inquisition, a significant debate was over how many angels could be fit on the head of a pin. Someday the theories that launched the Enlightenment, and are our current “sacraments”, which are defended with virtual public sacrifice of any heretics will seem just as ridiculous as counting invisible angels.  For example, the Holy Grail of Newtonian physics, the mathematical calculation of gravity, is so sacrosanct there were 1400 new astronomical terms invented to adjust (make excuse) for variations in the moon’s orbit around the Earth that threatened Sir Newton’s legacy.  Wait, this story gets even more ridiculous.

Once we started using laser range finders, and therefore much more accurate observations, astronomers needed ten thousand more terms to describe the variations of the moon’s orbit to defend Newton’s theory of gravity.  Get the picture?  Ten thousand newly invented astronomical terms (angels) dancing on the head of gravity’s pin-sized understanding of reality. Science is the new religion, and just like religion, dogma is the law.  Consensus reality trumps truth everyday supported by continual “adjustments” to make newly discovered facts fit an established dogma.  Question the dogma and you are a heretic that deserves to be purified by any method imagined.

Today, the heart of the scientific inquisition is arguably within the “health care” racket and specifically vaccine “science”.  So much money, reputation and liability is riding on this current dogma that its downfall will at least equal the losses suffered by the church’s downfall as an organizing institution of civilization.  Remember how destabilizing the split between Catholic and Protestant was for all of Europe…In one Spanish crusade alone against southern France two million people were slaughtered. Today, we are on the verge of a mass genocide from experimental vaccines whose perpetrators were absolved of sin by “science” just like the priesthood led and promised eternal reward for the slaughter of their fellow humans. 

If we use the example of the infected church’s downfall and consequences and, this time, bundle our government, our health care industry, our science priesthood as the perpetrators that must fall then we are truly on the verge of a mass casualty event to our civilization lasting at least a generation.  What is the obvious and historical response to a loss of faith in government, doctors and scientists all at once? Citadelization.  The Enlightenment was launched in England because it was an island, it had already split with the Catholic church and it had great individual thinkers and explorers ready to write a new future.  The industrial revolution came from this revival and it came through the most insulated and immune segment of humanity.

We can see in hindsight the transition from Inquisition to Enlightenment.  First, the organizing institutions of civilization become infected with a dogma that does not reflect humanity or reality. Check.  Second, the people, through suffering, lose confidence and reject the abuse. Check.  Third, tribes form to defend families, children, resources from the abuse of the collapsing structure. Citadelization. Fourth, the most successful tribes at citadelization establish a new order that is both resilient and harmonious and naturally leads the way as more and more humans awake from the mass psychosis and join in.

What can I say about the tribes that will be successful and where this all leads?  One, follow the leader, follow the science is dead.  Leadership will be divested from the ego and the expert to be invested in an organic consensus arising out of the mysterious conscience where we are all connected from within. Two, disease will not be tolerated to reside within the tribe.  The core function of a tribe is to have each others back in times of stress.  Anything that weakens the tribe must be confronted immediately or the core reason to be in a tribe is not functional and it will disband.  Three, innovation will be rejoiced. The core human desire for additional security, comfort and wealth will not diminish.  The tribes that embrace innovation, and therefore successful strategies, will lead the way.

The fourth component of renewal is a commitment to beauty.  When the words of captured politicians are worthless, the laws of science are entombed in religious dogma and the loss of right and wrong or what is truth is at its peak, there is always beauty to organize around.  The successful tribes that will lead us back to civilization will love beauty and know it as as their savior and their guiding principal.

It takes humans a lot of abuse to start to reject their established structures and relationships even if they are abusive.  But the beauty of that stickiness is in the power to launch humanity into a new age.  Like a slingshot.  Let’s not waste that hard-won energy and potential for renewal by slaughtering in the name of some faction that is ‘right’ or has ‘wronged’ us. There is only one path we must eventually follow to restore our humanity.  I call it citadelization.  Find your tribe.  Heal each other. Commit to beauty.  Inside and out.

Humanity, led by tribes, will make it through this narrow gate again and discover a new level of harmony to wash away this scientific inquisition.  Whatever we call the new ethos after this scientific inquisition it must be wise enough to make ridiculous and shameful what we have been terrorized by today.


The Heart of the Matter


Why Government?