Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Scientific Inquisition

When the history of this time is written in earnest, it will be compared to the religious inquisition of the Catholic church in Spain just before the Enlightenment.  The pure evil that can infect human organizations at the mental and emotional level cloaked in self-righteous and self-proclaimed truth was symbolized for me by the use of a high-backed “confession” chair with a hole just behind the neck.  A rope was placed around the neck of a human that authorities decided needed to repent and see the “truth”.  That rope was then put through the hole in the high-backed chair and a twisting, tightening stick was placed on the rope to facilitate the squeezing of the neck until the confessor’s eyes popped out of their skull. These inquisitors were “men of God”. Do I have your attention?

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