The Heart of the Matter

Every once in a while we must return to the real and raw heart of what really matters among all the lesser issues.  That is today and the heart of everything within cosmonomics is the manufacture, storage, and use of third force.  What is third force?  How do the two gases hydrogen and oxygen, rocket fuel,  become an inflammable liquid, water?  Third force is the bond between the two gasses. Water is a storage device of third force. Likewise, life is the bond between spirit and matter and a storage device for higher frequencies of third force.

Just like our planet has a huge reservoir of third force stored as water, human life in a body, heart, mind system is an elegant factory and storage vessel for third force.   And this level of third force, human-created, is in a frequency range that can interact within the electronic or spiritual realm. The most precious substance on Earth is the third force housed in potential  within human life. We are the heart of matter. 

OPEC regulates the flow of oil.  The Federal Reserve regulates the interest rates on money.  How hard is it for you to imagine there is an unseen and divine organization regulating the most precious substance on Earth, the third force? Words and events like soul, Christ, the devil, being possessed, orgasm, and ecstasy are all attempts to describe various aspects of the third force management system without actually having a blueprint of the whole organization.

Cosmonomics is the blueprint for the creation, storage, and use of third force.  This means we can de-mystify the unseen realm usually reserved for the seers and the priests of old who often saw pieces of the puzzle and then inshrined them mixed with human agendas we call religion.  Cosmonomics revers our Creator but as scientists in awe and wonder, which are among the highest human expressions of third force.

Cosmonomics describes the pathway home for God in existence.  Think about it.  Would God scatter bits and pieces of God’s being across the universe without a guaranteed way to get back home to Oneness? With lessons learned?  Entropy, the inevitable grinding to a halt of everything, is a scientific fact.  Negative entropy must also exist or God will die. Humans are closer to God than a slime mold.  So what forces negentropy and guides humanity’s organization and evolution?  The laws of the universe are a container preventing any pieces of the puzzle from escaping and a method of attraction and repelling forces with one outcome. The return to Oneness. There are also higher intelligent and loving entities along the path who can wield attractive and repelling forces. The return to Oneness is a technology and has an organization. 

Cosmonomics states life on Earth as a human is a microcosm of the journey God is on to Self realization.  And if you say God is already fully realized, then there is no purpose for human life except as an experiment to discover what? Seems like God-realization to me.  Why else would we have dopamine receptors and get a hit whenever we get a hint of realization? You doubt me? How can I state these things with authority? What if I told you I cheated?

In high school chemistry lab I used to recruit the best looking lab partner by showing her the mathematical tool to work backwards from the solution to cook the laboratory observations and measurements.  I cheated. Instant A in chemistry lab for both of us. Likewise, I went to the end of life to discover the processes of life.  And I am offering you to be my lab partner to get an A on the test of life.

Every true spiritual path is a negative entropy technology to reconnect with God by “dying” before you die. But these paths usually get encrusted with the barnacles of human error littered along the way over time.  I explored most of the established paths and read books on the rest that gave me solid indications.  There’s one sure-fire method to face the death journey without dying, which is a story for another writing.  Suffice to say that I worked out the solution to the puzzle of life’s cosmic purpose by going to the end of the journey and my own personal “judgment day”. 

The opportunity to explore the system and organization of laws and beings dedicated to the reconciliation of all our life wounds back into harmony as we approach death and in the death journey is very challenging and rewarding.  Imagine being scrubbed with pure lye soap and then dipped into a sulfuric acid rinse while you watch all the scar tissue of your human life dissolve into ecstasy and perfection.  It’s both extremely personal and cosmically transcendent at once. It is centered in the heart. All of the work of the Devil to divide our consciousness to create contradictions, painful memories, and chronic dis-ease is harvested through a Christ-like reconciliation.  By cosmic law, the trapped potential within our minds, hearts and bodies is surrendered into the substance of harmony called third force.

Think of third force’s transformational potential as similar to the most precious and powerful substances in the human body that give rise to complex life, namely, catalytic enzymes and endorphins.  We, humans, produce the best drugs inside the body of our God.  Cataclysmic events on earth like war, famine, plague, and natural disaster are trigger mechanisms to catalyze the production of third force by humanity for God’s immediate use.  Humans may die to produce the third force.  Or, cosmic distress causes some humans to trigger their spiritual practices, which sometimes seems brutal. Think about the Native American sun dance of being pierced with an eagle claw through the flesh to drag a heavy stone around a pole while chanting and praying for hours.

Cosmonomics states humans must produce certain precious substances on demand for the cosmos.  How we produce it rests with humans.  Disasters and death, priests and ritual sacrifice or with many locally designed surrenders into ecstatic release through pain, through sacred plants, and through spontaneous expressive sounds and movements.  We humans get to choose how, not if or when, or why.

This post is my best effort to describe the diamond heart of the matter of human life on Earth.  Cosmonomics is my attempt to codify the laws we are subjected to as a created instrument within the body of God.  By understanding the mission of humanity and the techniques to accomplish our mission I intend to offer an element of choice into our future.  Choice is empowerment. Empowerment is a signpost on the road Home. 


Direct Democracy


Scientific Inquisition