Direct Democracy

In my last post regarding bioadministation, I appealed to my readers for compassion for the difficulty of the current challenge for humanity.  Namely, inventing a collective mind of humanity by trial and error.  I have talked repeatedly about the need to institutionalize sleep periods for the mind as a circuit breaker.  In several posts within citadelization I have also named several safeguards the people can enforce to ensure the balance of power between mind and body, government and people.  Today, I want to explore the idea of direct democracy as an idealized system of communication and feedback between mind and body within these prohibitions and forced shutdowns I have already recommended.

In thinking about how to establish a new relationship between people and their government after the complete collapse of trust occurring on both sides post-COVID, post-financial collapse, and post what is rapidly becoming WWIII, direct democracy in theory offers a large opportunity for reformation to offset these fresh abuses. Our constitution with its Bill of Rights is a historical example of turmoil and pain-stimulating reform.  Similarly,  there is an innate intelligence within the body constantly signaling acceptance or rejection of food, people, and situations based on the memory of past harmful incursions.  That is obviously good.  But often a food, a person, or a situation that is toxic to our long-term health well-being makes it past our instinct and sets up camp inside our natural defenses. And democracies have, up until now, had a fatal flaw of choosing their own long-term demise for short-term gratification.  So, while contemplating a direct democracy we need to revisit the systemic guardrails that must be erected and the immune system which can eject systemic disease.

In transitioning from a republic and an oligarchy to a direct democracy the idea of voting systems and rights should be revisited.  The ruling class has used the idea of democracy with the people while severely limiting the power and wealth to it’s own class through a multitude of manipulation methods.  First, a system of collecting and counting votes can be put on a blockchain system that is free of fraud and easily observable by everyone.  Secondly, only citizens that are truly under the threat of taxation or military service by the consequences of their votes should have the right to vote.  This will create a division between voters and non-voters that is no longer just citizenship and minimum age but a demonstration of minimum contribution to the society to earn the right to directly steer the ship of state.  Thirdly, the justice system must be functional to ensure equal application of a direct democracy and to ensure the rights of the minority and of property rights.  This will require erecting barriers between political administrators (if they still exist in the new system), powerful corporations and wealthy individuals, and the justice system which must ruthlessly pursue crimes against the state as the mind of the people.

With these three reforms and safeguards firmly in place, we can set to imagining how a direct democracy might function using the human mind as our blueprint.  If we think about the routine of being awake and asleep roughly one-third of human life should be dedicated to preparing for sleep, sleeping, and waking up.  A well-done sleep cycle involves a reflection and a reconciliation of the day's events before sleep and, in the morning, planning for the day’s activities while still in a quiet state with our soul’s still vocal and before the marketing and propaganda of outside interests attempt to take the attention.  So, a direct democracy modeled upon bioadministration will give its mind (government) two of every three year period an operational plan built from the forced reconciliation from the previous two-year government, a current two-year plan arising from the quiet “morning coffee” place after the year of government shut down and the tactical situations that arise while awake and operating within life.

Imagine there’s a website for a geographic population of people as the focal point of communication for direct democracy.  It’s morning and an enforced period of silence is lifted.  Numerous ideas and issues are carpet bombed across the mental landscape.  Chats pop up on the loudest of issues and the debate of many ideas are refined and solutions proposed.  Subject matter experts testify and after substantial investigation, several agendas for the “day” are put to a vote.  The winning issues are determined and a group of the impassioned citizens that participated in the debates and “won” the votes to move forward are chosen to go to Washington to implement the policy.

Our justice department is closely watching for any interference from parties benefitting or being hurt by the policy changes.  Of course, all corporate and interest group lobbying has been outlawed.  Very strong conflict of interest laws and punishments are imposed upon any citizen legislator whose entire financial dealings are open to the public for life.  Our administrative state will undergo a full review based on citizen feedback collected over the previous two years.  At least ten percent of bottom performers will be fired each cycle.  Our defense establishment having already been decentralized along the Swiss model of citizen militia will present detailed plans for their citizen army in the realm of conservation and public service above their new role of emergency preparedness to justify their value to the people.

Towards the end of the two-year active and awake period for government, an invitation for citizen dialogue will go out over the same communication portal for feedback on current conditions and suggestions of needs for the next active period.  Then a blackout period is imposed for a year and, if the mind of the people is truly at peace, there is time for deep individual dreaming.  And then the whole cycle starts over again.

This is the bioadministration vision of direct democracy.


Inspiration and the Lunar Olympic Committee 


The Heart of the Matter