Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Democracy Versus Citadelization

I am writing this on election day in the US. Democracy is defined as majority rule whereas citadelization is the atomization of rule into many autonomous layers closest to purpose and action. Even though the US is not a true democracy (it is a representative democracy), exploring the relationship and opposition between the two is helpful to reveal how the two strategies of majority rule and citadelization co-existing is healthier than one alone.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Direct Democracy

In my last post regarding bioadministation, I appealed to my readers for compassion for the difficulty of the current challenge for humanity. Namely, inventing a collective mind of humanity by trial and error. I have talked repeatedly about the need to institutionalize sleep periods for the mind as a circuit breaker. In several posts within citadelization I have also named several safeguards the people can enforce to ensure the balance of power between mind and body, government and people. Today, I want to explore the idea of direct democracy as an idealized system of communication and feedback between mind and body within these prohibitions and forced shutdowns I have already recommended.

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