Inspiration and the Lunar Olympic Committee 

When thinking about citadelization, it is relatively easy to see the necessary limits upon bioadministration and the governing of humanity.  Sleep and self-remembering and other circuit breakers have been well founded conceptually as valid and necessary limitations.  But what happens when the mind has lost the thread of human empowerment and inspiration for the future?  Do the masses of human cells have a duty and responsibility to the mind in leadership?

Many close readers of my blog might suggest cosmonomics and the heart center as the source of hope for the future.  Love of life and of God and humanity is the sine qua non at the core of any healthy human organization and is an essential ingredient of inspiration.  The heart center is the container of emotional power for any new idea within humanity. At the same time, our Creator is a wise and patient parent that gets the most pleasure from watching the children invent their own forms of play.  Perhaps, for God, this whole thing called Life is to produce surprises, inspiration.

Of the triad, it is bioadministration that is up for reformation while cosmonomics and citadelization are in revival to bring organizational homeostasis.  Therefore, it is the heart and body’s duty to the organization to lead the troubled mind home.  And joyful play is the best medicine for a mind in need of healing.  Children do it all the time.  They invent new forms of play, to change the rules and the social dynamics for life to have a clean path of expression.

Enter the Lunar Olympic Committee.  Here is the Article 5 - Purpose statement:

The Lunar Olympic Committee is founded to be a non-profit, non-governmental action to inspire visionary humans to fund and participate in a regularly scheduled low-gravity expression of the human body, mind, and spirit on the moon in an enclosed habitat.  From its inception, the Lunar Olympic Committee will never participate in politics or division of any type.  The Lunar Olympics is a self-funded, self-directed celebration of the human spirit to prove that even the human return to the surface of the moon does not need any coercion via taxes, national competition, or resource extraction.  At this particularly challenging time for our planet with its many failing and warring institutions, the Lunar Olympic Committee seeks to demonstrate a radical transcendence of human limitation by facilitating the ultimate expression of human creativity for the 21st century, the Lunar Olympics.  

The idea of the Lunar Olympics came to me in the middle of a yoga pose.  Good yoga, gymnastics, ti chi, figure skating, or any other body expression is driven by the level of chi or anti-gravity flowing through the body.  An orgasm and a sneeze are uncontrolled excess expressions of anti-gravity so there’s a pathway from any yoga pose that, in potential, leads to orgasm. That said, as I was in the full expression of my yoga pose and an abundance of anti-gravity flowed through my body it invaded my mind so that I could see and extend my pose into…the impossible.  I saw in my mind what my body could express in that moment, if, I had enough anti-gravity available.  And my mind responded with the idea of doing yoga on the moon. 

My mind had an orgasm of inspiration that came from my body. Can an idea formed from a trillion cells carried into a mind in full harmony with the heart and body remain once the momentary shot of anti-gravity subsides?  It happens every day with children at play.  Why not adults? Especially when our world has become so saddled with baggage that we have become a pack horse that can only see its next step and feel nothing but the weight it carries.  Can any organism remain fully alive without the functioning circuit used by children to invent new forms of play?

Citadelization is not just a defense mechanism to guard against a rogue mind leading humanity over a cliff. It can also be a small group of humanity finding a new way of being and holding its light up for the world to see.  And no time is more important for small tribes to weave a story and an expression of life for the world to see than when the old stories have lost all their anti-gravity and their life-giving inspiration.

I am inviting my human brothers and sisters into a new form of play.  The Lunar Olympics. Let us band together without government or any other form of coercion and lead ourselves into a new form of human organization whose sole purpose is to inspire our humanity into a bright future of ever-expanding human potential. 

Play has always saved us and always will.  Play is our superpower.


The Church in Cosmonomics


Direct Democracy