The Church in Cosmonomics

The church, as an institution of the heart, which both the people and the state attempt to control is extremely interesting to explore.  From the perception of the church, in its highest and healthiest condition, the church sees itself as the glue which holds the organization together by transcending both politics of the state and the petty issues which tend to hang around the people unresolved. The church, at its best, is the gatekeeper to the infinite world beyond this reality.  And human nature’s seemingly perpetual war for self-empowerment against collectivism’s slavery sees the church as either a bulwark against oppression or a tool of enslavement.

The church is and will remain the hot zone because it lives within the domain of the heart and is the seat of emotions.  At its best, the church (heart) acts as a buffer between the ruling class (mind) and the people (body) whenever either group attempts to use emotion to organize an assault on the other side.  As the church in a culture weakens so too does the harmony and resiliency of that culture.  It is akin to the difference of a young person with passion being capable and fully alive but wild versus an older person much wounded by life, often through emotions, has ‘safely’ closed their heart’s expression.  Excesses in young and old age should be buffered by the church and its doctrine.

What is the church’s proper role in cosmonomics?  First, remember we humans are not at the top of the food chain and we are producing an energetic ‘food’ to feed an unseen spirit world.  Also, we humans are instinctually programmed to worship, a refining process of our energetic emanations as compared to wildly expressing every emotion and desire.  Logically, if humans are an energy producer and can learn to direct this energy then humans will be fought over by the unseen spiritual world inside and out.  And that makes any organization tasked with teaching humans how to manage human emotions and worship a spiritual war zone, especially the church.

Church is an invention of the spirit world and an evolution of human organization.  Cosmonomics states we are not just cattle to be milked or grain to be harvested by some unseen gods.  Humanity is a living organ within the body of God producing what is needed on demand for the benefit of the whole body, including the organ of humanity.  That humanity is so volatile and passionate means we must be an important part of responding to the life experience of our unseen God.  That forms of refinement of emotional expression are seeded into humanity from the spirit world and become churches means we are in a co-creative process with our unseen God.

The role of church can become rapidly confusing and seemingly contradictory because we are living in a fractal universe.  Many levels along the same pattern are nested within each other.  As above, so below comes from this fact.  A well-designed church must serve all levels well.  Each human is a microcosm of at least the solar system, perhaps the whole universe so the church must feed the soul of each human learning to become a whole creation. At the same time, our God we live inside can be as ruthless as our own bodies in culling the sick and the weak, meaning our individual existence is very conditional on our current performance. And within humanity itself as a whole organism, we jockey for relevance and meaning in a world cast about often stormy seas with no anchor or stars to align with. 

How can a church make sense of all this?  We have yet to consider perhaps there is a ‘war’ in the heavens over humanity and our juicy emanations.  How many of us have a unified mental map of our own lives and direct our worship to One God?  Why are humans and humanity so fractured?  Cosmonomics states that the apparent divisions within humans and humanity are by design a potential energy waiting for harvest.  Cosmonomics states that the reconciliation of these divisions (the forgiveness of sin) and the production of the harmonizing third force on demand is the main purpose of human life for the cosmos. Any church that does not recognize these as its core teachings has been captured by the forces of division.

God makes hay from every human and every church.  At the level of human and humanity, the Earth is a closed system.  No energy can escape.  And yet with no judgment of the past, cosmonomics proposes all forms of human expression, especially church, recognize their role within the body of God.  What is called the Devil and evil is simply the force of division to expand the energetic container within the human and within the biosphere.  While inevitable, the forces of division have a master, reconciliation.  Knowing how the system works and how to help harvest harmony from the apparent divisions within ourselves and humanity is a master key.  Cosmonomics offers a major advancement in human understanding and empowerment.

Cosmonomics is not a religion.  It is a science that studies and categorizes religious expressions.  Cosmonomics simply guides churches and any other emotional expression of humanity from football games to peyote ceremonies to offer humans a conscious understanding of the power and creative force each individual and mass event produces.  If we leave piles of unpreserved food laying around, we invite theft, spoilage, and bugs.  We humans have done much to understand how to produce energy in all forms.  Hoorah for humanity. And there is a next step. Refinement.

It is now time to understand how to properly manage our emanations for greater harmony within humanity and the cosmos.  And at the same time, we can prevent unseen forces (sometimes of our own creation) in the spirit world like colonies of harmful bacteria and parasites in our gut from stealing humanity’s life force. Church can play its historic and designed role, as long as it truly lives and breathes with the heart of humanity and the cosmos.


As Above, So Below


Inspiration and the Lunar Olympic Committee