As Above, So Below

I have referred to what I consider a law of existence “as above, so below” numerous times without explanation, so here goes. This phrase comes from one of the oldest texts, the Emerald Tablets, and its reputed author Hermes.  It comes to us from antiquity and of all the ancient aphorisms it is arguably the most widely accepted foundational law of this reality from scientists and metaphysicians alike including the revered Isaac Newton.  I also use it heavily in my theories as the bedrock upon which I build my world view and, therefore, it deserves explanation.

The greatest proof of as above, so below is fractals and holograms.  These images and structures which are found in nature are built by the multiplication of a basic pattern into whatever size the space and materials allow.  And the echoing of physical structures and pictures extends from matter to energy also. The most common experience of humans on hallucinogenic plants and drugs is to see the fractal nature of movements and sounds echoing off into the void.  The foundation of magic and mind control is the understanding of large standing waves created by small precise beginnings.

Another way of saying as above, so below is the microcosm manifests the macrocosm. It is widely practiced medicine to diagnose and treat the whole body thru the feet, the hands, the ear, and the iris. Scholars of The Great Pyramid of Giza have theorized it is a microcosmic representation of the local cosmos designed as a device to affect change upon the cosmos by it being a microcosmic representation of the cosmic macrocosm.  This can seem mysterious or as common as the idea of a king making a declaration and a town crier reading the proclamation over and over again throughout the kingdom or, in modern day, posting something on the world wide web.  Building a communication device that amplifies the consciousness of a human within the King’s chamber makes logical sense. Being able to control the large from the small is built into the laws of this reality.

The object of mediation, psychoanalysis, and effective prayer is to calm all the effects within the outer world and penetrate to the core, the seed issue.  If we can change the core holographic or fractal pattern, the whole being and their entire world changes. How would God answer a prayer? Would God give you a fish or teach you to fish?  Yes, God can break God’s laws, at great cost.  As above, so below is both a method of control…and…a limitation from letting a momentary slip or a selfish prayer change Eternity.

All forms of divination are based upon microcosm in the macrocosm.  The most well-known is astrology, the movements and positions of the planets, sun, and moon within the background of the cosmos.  Measurable and predictable cycles in markets, weather, and economics come from somewhere small and hidden yet mighty in effect.  Those microscopic patterns, with time and mass, build huge structures the size of solar systems and galaxies which hold the momentum of the original intent. If we open our eyes and look around us we can see patterns that seem to limit us or guide us depending on your interpretation.  We might look to the stars or read the tea leaves or a hundred other forms of divination.  The pattern of creation is in everything, if, we look deeply enough. As above, so below.

My theory of bioadministration and using the human organization as the blueprint for humanity is founded upon as above, so below or in this case so below, as above.  And my entire theory of the bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization triad is built from the relationship of mind, heart, and body in the microcosm of a single human. There is no better scientific understanding of any levels of human or cosmic organization than at the cellular and molecular level of human biology.  Therefore it deserves our close attention as the blueprint of creation.

We have cobbled together civilization after civilization throughout human history based upon the accidental circumstances of geography, climatic shifts, and a single human (usually highly flawed) using the in-built law of as above, so below to organize a large group of humans around that single human’s internal imbalanced composition.  I, for one, will no longer infect or be infected by anything other than my God-given conscience.  No more wild rides for me into the drama of a damaged soul’s need for external validation.  It is time to harvest a new seed to consciously plant a new civilization.  That new seed must contain all the DNA of human experience as represented by the human mind, heart, body organization. Fortunately, man’s interaction with nature and the cosmos has perfectly evolved us. WE ARE THE SEED.

This idea as above, so below is a boon or a curse for humans.  No doubt it serves our Creator’s purpose to affect changes within humanity from small and powerful adjustments at the level of our core program.  No doubt each individual human is also constantly bombarded with microcosmic ideas from the seen and unseen realms, especially in the internet age.  It is crucial to the well-being of the human family to find and establish a set of core principles by which to organize our next civilization upon some objective reality that can realistically promise a win-win potential for every human.  My trillions of cells live in a win-win organization.  Bioadministration, backed by as above, so below is the offering for all humanity to live in a win-win organization.


Citadelization New World Order


The Church in Cosmonomics