Citadelization New World Order

I grew up in an age of deceit.  There was an unspoken agreement of willful deceit between the people of the United States and their government that was even publicly institutionalized as the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of gays in the military during the 1990s. From the Kennedy assassination on forward, we let our government treat us like children that suspect they are being lied to about Santa Claus but don’t ask because of the benefits of ignorance.  The story of America was too good, and too beneficial, to question. From both sides.

But like a dad that has two families in two different towns, we have a growing realization the head of the household, our government has some kind of insatiable desire to matter and control and must make all his eccentricities look good even if there is a foundational lie at the heart of his every action.  Winning World War II made both the Soviet Union and the United States overly inflated with wealth and power.  Looking back, it was a relatively stable order whose conflict of ideologies kept both relatively honest.  

The United States victory in the Cold War over the Soviets loosened the bounds of reality within Washington D.C. and a New World Order was announced publicly.  One mind, one government, one law to rule the world.  The “rules-based liberal world order” backed by the US dollar and the US military had clear sailing. And it would have worked, if, at that moment the mind and the government of the United States would have reformed itself and committed to truth.  Patriarchy is founded upon a truth that all must adhere to.  Obviously, the American man, encouraged by the American people, wanted a good story more than a good ethos.

The final straw for a soon-to-be majority of Americans was the COVID fiasco.  Whatever value the story of “we are good” has provided in the past, the abuse of or the ignorant application of power by our government is too much to further overlook.  After decades of our government using deceit to look good, now the mass of American people are ready to believe any and all conspiracy theories from our government paying for designer bio-weapons to a plan for de-population and forced starvation to a planned crash of the economy to default on the un-payable national promises and debts.  With COVID, the two families just ran into each other at the grocery store and everything the unfaithful father is saying is babel to the inner anger of mountains of past deceit now laid bare and no longer deniable.

What is to be done?  Find a new man with a new story?  Maybe the problem has been us too.  We became spoiled and seduced and played stupid for too long.  We invited the lies to keep the “dream” alive. Step one, like any addict, is to accept the devil’s bargain we have already been living in.  Step two is a long hard look into the mirror and a radical self-inspection of what personality defect we have let the devil’s mechanics sell us.  Step three, if we truly let the shame of abuse drive us to our core, is to turn and face the world with the cold eye of reality…and to make new choices.

I wrote a three-blog set of discussions on citadelization circuit breakers.  I followed with how inspiration also comes from individual cells free to live within their truth finding the next step for the human family.  There’s a direct connection between the gut and the brain that must be obeyed in the greater human organization of people and their government.  Our own trillions of cells get occasionally seduced into blind alleys by our mind and they rightly pull the plug. It’s called sleep and it is unavoidable for a very good reason.  Yes, there’s a New World Order being born that realizes we are inescapably connected in one ecosystem and as one organism.  At the same time we the people are realizing the cells that have sought to lead nation states think of themselves as special and entitled therefore they require special attention to limit their power and enact safeguards.

The ideal place to start in the establishment of a People’s New World Order is with the Bill of Rights as the first ten amendments to the U.S. constitution.  We Americans must discover a way to enforce these freedoms when our justice system has been corrupted by special interests and a government separate from its people.  Perhaps this can still happen with fair elections. Perhaps, in the extreme need to heal the wound between government and people, it will take a few of the worst psychopaths being stripped of their wealth and their lives by citizen action to awaken the conscience of the humans who have sworn to us and to God to uphold the law, starting with themselves.

Once the United States has re-established the rule of law internally it must stop all external interventions militarily and financially for the sake of empire, resources, and corporate interests.  Whatever the cost of wealth and comfort, we must become self-sufficient by depending on each other like the liver depends on the spleen to do its job and vice versa.  No more outsourcing our needs to people who are being paid slave wages and are polluting their land.  No more basing US troops in permanent bases outside of the United States.  We the people must set ourselves free of external need and external intervention to truly demonstrate to ourselves and to the world there is a people-based New World Order reigning in North America.

The masterwork of this New World Order will invite the people of all nations to adopt the expanded Bill of Rights which must include no forced medical procedures without informed consent and no AI/machine-based law enforcement.  Our markets and our entire government will only interact with other countries that adopt and enforce our Bill of Rights for their people.  We, the people of the United States will no longer encourage slavery and despotism.  We will shun it from our shores and at the same time, we will open ourselves fully to nations that abide by the people’s New World Order.  When the invitation is honest and true, there is no need to force or convince.


Cosmonomic Reboot


As Above, So Below