Cosmonomic Reboot

It’s all the rage today to talk about The Great Reset. And it is a very masculine way of imaging how to travel from one era to a new era…with precise planning and control.  There are plenty of pundits and prognosticators to opine on the solely masculine view of from here to there. Good luck, it has never happened in recorded history.

There are also many predictions from the dark, chaotic bowels of the feminine shadow collective that imagine a Mad Max phase or ethos arising to slay the old king.  This can be somewhat satisfying to the long-suffering mass of serfs as payback, short-term, but really serves no one but the excessively masculine that inevitably reimposes authoritarian control once the masses have grown tired of the chaos.  Napoleon “found the crown laying in the gutter and picked it up”.

But, unlike civilizations being stuck on repeat, there are a few living humans that have undergone a cosmonomic, heart-driven reboot and lived to tell about it. There are a number of near-death experiences in account and also many spiritual transformations triggered by overcoming drug abuse, family tragedy, and non-human encounters.  My reboot involved undergoing a ritual death journey led and overseen by a spiritual tradition at least a thousand years old in the virgin jungles of the Amazon. Because the plants ingested are an exact simulation of the DMT release that triggers the final death journey for all humans, all the human and spiritual forces must show up to uphold the laws that govern the boundary between life and non-life.  A study of death and rebirth, the ultimate cosmonomic reboot, can provide understanding and be brought back to the human tribe. Rebooting a whole civilization can follow the same heart-centered path enforced for each individual human by cosmic law.

Our world on Earth is built upon division.  Just like modern banking uses double-entry bookkeeping to create money from nothing, man and woman, good and evil, liberal and conservation are halves of a whole.  These divisions are a potential energy, like money, to hold and to use but that we cannot take with us into Eternity.  A “good medicine death” is the complete reconciliation of all the divisions accumulated throughout our lives back into their unitary harmony that upgrades our eternal soul’s conscience through the lessons learned in that lifetime.  Every true spiritual journey is dying before you die and returning to your family and your tribe a whole human, by reconciling with the cosmos via a cosmonomic reboot.

So, in this blog post, my challenge is to convey how to ensure a cosmonomic reboot for our civilization based on how our Creator manages our individual soul’s reboot.  The Law is the Law for humans and for civilizations. What humans think they know of heaven and hell are similar to the architects of the Great Reset and the imaginers of Mad Max, namely, humans that are attempting to take their limited and off-centered ideas into Eternity.  Heaven and hell is just another division designed to hold the soul fragments that could not surrender to the Real reboot whose doorway is at the center of the human heart, the only place authorized to reconcile all divisions, the zero point.

The zero point of our human civilization is harder to tap than the normal method a single human uses such as meditation and prayer.  The zero point is a vacuum with the gatekeepers of attraction and repulsion to maintain a stable “plasma” field.  What the sun does naturally and the “enlightened” human learns from ritual death and rebirth, the civilization has yet to discover how to create and maintain the “plasma field” that will not collapse in relative short order. 

Individual humans of dubious soul character are drawn to the zero point vacuum like moths to the light.  They cannot help themselves from feeding the plasma field and often taking control of populations of humans for mass sacrifice into the zero point.  Hitler, Mao, Stalin are just the Pied Piper leading the rats out of town occasionally to clean house.  Of course, in the story, the town that hired the rat catcher also lost their children in the bargain. Civilizations formed upon this level of reconciliation have no stable zero point and are short-lived.

In this age and the reboot being forced upon us by feeding too many rats for too long, there will be no need for a Messiah (Christ) or no Pied Piper (Devil) if we can discover our own civilizational forces of reconciliation and division.  We can put our civilization to sleep safely starting with a deep self-inspection of the victories and failures reconciled into lessons learned to upgrade our moral code.  Then the mind and its governmental organizations can sleep and dream of a new way forward. And we can truly awake in the morning with strong division between life and death.  A civilization is only capable of being reborn if it has a moral code informed by true history and by a thirst for life that gives no quarter for a commitment to death, even shadow, and unconscious commitments.

We are on the verge of a civilizational reboot with the masculine choosing a technocratic slavery for the masses and the feminine hoping to trigger a chaotic Mad Max scenario to maintain freedom no matter the suffering and cost.  There is a third way. Cosmonomics. The way of the heart.  

A tribe that has learned its lessons and is truly committed to life but finds itself in an undiscovered country will send out scouts.  The tribe that survives gathers intelligence debates the course of action and has a council of elders that makes the wisest choices.  And the young will follow if they feel true authority within the process of which they will lead someday. We in the West can do the same thing.

Step one is to reconcile the lessons learned from trying to lead (run) the world our way since World War II.  Step two, withdraw from the empire and truly surrender to a period of rest and restoration.  During step two we send out scouts to see what is over the next mountain.  I claim to be one of those scouts.  I have ridden the boundaries of this reality and there is only one gate.  The center of the human heart, what modern science calls the zero point.  This is the wellspring into which all human experience leaves and inspiration re-emerges.

Step three is to build a new consensus.  I lay my vision and understanding from my own cosmic reboot for all to read for free. I invite your feedback and questioning.  What is your plan? I refuse to rerun another civilization based on imposition by any ruler or class or divine messenger or mob.  There is a divine blueprint for humanity we are meant to discover from within.  I have scouted ahead and I offer my ideas for humanity to discuss and evaluate. 

Most immediately the West is caught in the vortex of death and rebirth like the Soviet Union and post-war China.  Did it look like they had a reboot plan? That you want to follow?  Cosmonomics is the science of how to navigate this reboot as a humanity using the laws our Creator uses to manage and grow our souls for individual and for cosmic purpose.  Life is a journey into understanding for the human, and, for humanity. 


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