A Bioadministration Global Treaty Summit

I have been nursing the idea of bioadministration for over twenty years.  In these two decades, I rounded out my proposed system of human organization with cosmonomics and citadelzation. I now see this triad as a whole being like the mind, heart, body of the individual human as the most intelligent, feeling, and capable life form on Earth.  That said, the mind is the new kid on the block with the greatest ability for exploratory tactical choices and the most susceptible to catastrophic error.  The mind deserves special study as the evolving stem of human organizing that, up until now, has been fighting against spiritual ignorance and our animal nature, especially in the form of our governmental structures.

In any three-body system, it is the most unpredictable and erratic body which needs the special attention of the other two in order to keep the system together.  The mind of humanity, as represented by our governments, need special attention today because they are uncreative and falling back to their baseline authoritarian models of our failed and war-torn human history.  Bioadministration is also a very authoritative system, but, with objective rules that were tried and tested by our biosphere for a thousand generations and cannot be overwritten by a single or small groups of power-hungry or know it all humans.  

For the first time in known human history, we have a blueprint, the human organism, for all humanity to coalesce around and an objective truth to restrain our self-serving leaders with a system that will discipline us all, fairly.  For our own good.  The size of the human population and the resource constraints of the biosphere means we must discipline ourselves or we will live in a perpetual conflict with nature and each other over basic human needs.

So as much as I would prefer to roll out bioadministration as co-equal with cosmonomics and citadelization the crisis of the current age is our collective mind and the new technologies of mass communication leading all humanity back into the blind alley of power politics based on division and conflict.  Therefore, I am preparing to announce the Bioadministration Global Treaty Summit as an annual gathering of leaders and academics in political science, corporate administration, and law as the ferment to systematize the transfer of the natural wisdom evolved and contained within the human blueprint to the governance structure of humanity, hopefully, before another world war or civilizational collapse.

The centerpiece of the Treaty Summit will be the awarding of an annual prize for the best scientific paper written on the application of the human blueprint to the level of human governance.  The name of the prize (i.e. Nobel) and the cash reward for the best paper will be updated and announced as the awareness and momentum build towards the first summit planned for Fall 2023 in Austin, Texas USA.  The three-day conference will host many authors of the contending papers who will have the opportunity to present and defend their contributions to the infancy of a new science.

Until this moment, and with this gathering of leaders in the realm of human organization, there has been no objective truth around which to explore and argue ideas.  Different schools of economics and political systems have fought for centuries with the last real injection of new ideas being nearly 200 years ago.  Many experiments of the various systems have been run since and all have failed at the great cost of human life and potential.  With bioadminsitration there is a new boss in town that has the force of nature and millennia of testing and experimentation at its back.  Once the old schools start to defend their old systems against the objective truth that is the human design sculpted by nature then these lesser truths will be subsumed within bioadministration.  Our human design has already perfected when and under what circumstances to be a capitalist, a communist, an authoritarian, and an egalitarian for the sake of the whole organism.

Many humans have purported a desire for a one-world government and many humans greatly fear the same.  Perhaps there is no greater division and potential for conflict within humanity facing our future.  Bioadministration can bring both extremes of the power-hungry authoritarians and the radical anarchists together under one roof because neither of those camps can ever win.  Bioadministration, like the organization of the trillions of cells reading this blog post have recognized, there is a win-win relationship that can and will restrain the psychopaths on the left and the right.  They are both in error, except, they are still a part of the human family representing the pure forms of collectivism and independence.  They are both necessary threats to the human family that must be seduced into acceptance of a system that logically and compassionately trumps both of their lesser truths equally.

The Bioadministration Global Treaty Summit is a humanity-wide invitation to all the current and past ideas and ideals for human organization.  It welcomes all contenders for a higher truth than that represented by the human design itself.  And with that said, if your truths have become possessing demons that can only defend something no longer living, bioadministration can put them to sleep for good.  Do not imagine you can invade the perfectly adapted body of bioadministration but you are welcome to try, on paper.  Submission of papers that refute bioadministration will be read and will be published separately.  Do your best. That is how and why the human design is already the winner here on Earth.

So it is with great hope and promise the Bioadministration Global Treaty Summit is announced today and repeated from today forward.  I personally came to the wisdom of this path by being extremely independent throughout my life as a WASP American who finds himself staring into an abyss of devolving and increasingly ignorant authoritarianism that is destroying the fruits of globalization, free travel, free expression and free trade.  Any selfishness at this point in human potential and peril is as unacceptable as a cancer cell living while escaping their humanity. 

Bioadministration is my best offering to my humanity for this crucial age.  Please join in with your best offering and make it better.  More details to follow. See you in Austin!


Suicide Civilization


Cosmonomic Reboot