Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Why Humans?

A fundamental premise of esoteric lore long before I was born is that of “As above, so below”.  This refers to the fractal nature of the microcosm is the macrocosm and octaves resonant each other at higher and lower intervals of a hidden harmony. Everything is connected and everything effects everything else.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

As Above, So Below

I have referred to what I consider a law of existence “as above, so below” numerous times without explanation, so here goes. This phrase comes from one of the oldest texts, the Emerald Tablets, and its reputed author Hermes.  It comes to us from antiquity and of all the ancient aphorisms it is arguably the most widely accepted foundational law of this reality from scientists and metaphysicians alike including the revered Isaac Newton.  I also use it heavily in my theories as the bedrock upon which I build my world view and, therefore, it deserves explanation.

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