Why Humans?

A fundamental premise of esoteric lore long before I was born is that of “As above, so below”.  This refers to the fractal nature of the microcosm is the macrocosm and octaves resonant each other at higher and lower intervals of a hidden harmony. Everything is connected and everything effects everything else.

We often look at the cosmonomic implications of humanity’s role within and upon the cosmos to suffer transmutation and restore homeostasis. Today, we will explore from a bioadministration perspective the harmonic resonance we humans may experience from other octaves. Not just to react to in restoration of homeostasis, but as a pure transducer of higher and lower harmonic communications inside the body of God as the solar system or galaxy.

In effect, homeostasis may be a moving target because we are connected harmonically to a living, evolving God.  Are we humans only able to respond to our solar system having a bad day?  When do we suffer to restore harmony and when are we simply being rewired at levels outside of human control?  Does the blueprint of humanity get changed outside of the evolutionary forces of biosphere Earth?  Is humanity the transducer of effects upon Earth? Meaning, is humanity a vehicle of evolutionary force upon our host planet?

If we look at man’s latest forays into organic chemistry, gene splicing and AI, these may be invasive ideas coming from some kind of an off planet force being resonated through humanity.  To what purpose? Are we humans the vehicle for an evolutionary leap of our planet or of an alien invasion? What is the difference? A universe is one organization evolving to higher and higher states of harmony and self awareness by reconciling and remembering all its pieces into the one being. How fast reconciliation occurs is above the human pay grade.

For the record, I am not a devotee of Aleister Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt”, excusing every human behavior in nihilistic dalliance.  But I do entertain the idea that humans are being seeded with ideas and technologies that are outside of Earth.  The question lies in human responsibility to our divine purpose.  And at what level?

Are we a transducer funnel for the force feeding of an Earth-sized Peking duck? Or are we a cosmic buffer defending Earth’s unique expression of organic life? We accept as common place and no big thing, our planet’s biosphere, but maybe its the hottest property in the galaxy in the midst of a feeding frenzy.  What responsibility can humans possibly or effectively play when we are so ignorant of cosmic politics?

Our modern physics deals with 1% of the mass of the universe, while the other 99% of mass is plasma based physics.  I, for one, have seen a humanoid shaped plasma being with my own eyes.  Within our solar system may be silicon based life. There may be intelligent life that, like plants, consumes carbon dioxide and expels oxygen.  There may be memories of life trapped in all manner of material and electronic form that envy we humans and are attempting to use us to re-animate.

So many questions.  So few rocks to build a foundation upon.  One rock is our human blueprint and design.  Bioadministration is managed homeostasis around organic life.  There are five independent mechanisms within the human body to buffer the pH of arterial blood returning to the heart. Our human organizations should also be resilient against change and able to restore homeostasis around a core truth we can know and love…organic life.

Thank God most humans do not explore these boundaries of human existence and the influences our Earth and humanity is being bombarded with incessantly.  We humans can and should stay in our created lane of life.  Yes, we have our dreamers, our mystics and our inventors bringing the fruits of their personal journeys back to the tribe.  And the first job of the tribe is to smell test the returning “hero” to see if they are still fully human or infected with some disturbing spirit when that member was flying solo.

In this age there has been an excess of flying solo and pushing the edges of humanity into the forbidden and taboo zones.  By nature, we are connected to everything but that does not mean that everything goes.  Earth is a magnificent being of cosmic level proportions and we have but one job here on Earth, for Earth.  Why humans? To restore homeostasis.

Connect whatever we are feeling or experiencing with breath to harmony as the process of returning to homeostasis, returning to the zero point.  Our own body does this for their “god”, you, without doubt or question.

All else will be consumed within the harmony of those that remember God.


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