Western Civilization

With all the shame and self loathing going around in the west today from colonialism to environmental degradation to toxic masculinity it is easy to forget the value and the purpose and, yes, the success of Western Civilization.  There is a cosmonomic view of our history and our special purpose I will remind us of today.

From my 2001 book The New Code I quote:

“Today the mission of Western Civilization is to bring the past life on Earth into the present and turn it into emotional energy. The mission of Christianity has always been to teach humanity how to refine all emotions into the one complete emotion called pure love.”

Church and state were a designed harmony with a unified mission.  With the eyes to see from a cosmic perspective, the introduction of the modern industrial age with an institutionalized ritual practice of forgiveness and reconciliation was a completely new and dominate force of humanity upon Earth and the cosmos.  The tapping into oil and minerals from the Earth leading to electricity and mass communication gave humanity the ability to transcend both the daily grind for existence and the free time to explore and express ourselves in every possible direction.

Before Western Civilization showed up, the last effective cosmic order of humanity’s free expression of was tribalism.  As a method of producing pristine neutralizing force, nothing beats the tribal interactions and the ritual connections with each other and the Earth.  But then the organization of larger and larger groups of humanity under patriarchies of state and religion grew stagnant and were low quality producers of the ecstasy the Earth and the cosmos had grown to need of humanity.

Slaves and serfs working for dynastic families makes for emanations more fitting for a demonic lower order of mechanical entities assigned to milk human suffering just to get the emotional energy for the cosmos to operate. An intervention was needed.  Its first iterations in Greece and Rome were experimental expressions of spirituality and state power.  Neither lasted but they laid the foundation for our modern iterations of free enterprise and Christianity.

Remember, a mature complex organism, like a single human requires energy reserves and chemical transmutations to remain alive and in homeostasis within the buffeting every organism naturally encounters.  Division into polarities creates the container for contradictions to be stored for potential reconciliation upon demand. The expansion and regulation of this storehouse is the proper role of the state. Techniques for connecting to zero point allows for the on demand harvest of divisions into higher frequencies to neutralize not self into self the way our liver produces enzymes and bile salts to complete the digestion of foreign proteins and fats.  This is the proper role for spirituality and religion.

Western Civilization and Christianity were designed and married together as the exploring mind and the reconciling heart of humanity for this age of expansion of human and cosmic potential these last several centuries.  If you cannot see how we humans have been empowered to emote upon demand, then you are not looking. That no one has ever taught you the cosmic purpose of humanity is not your fault.  We humans did not need to know how or why we were acting to support the greater Life we live inside.  Until now.

It is time to design a new civilization.  I invite our forgiveness of our sins of both Western Civilization and Christianity. One day we will fondly embrace them the way we look upon Greece and Rome.  But this current skin no longer fits.  Humanity has grown up enough to be consciously responsible for our cosmic purpose.  And to be responsible in this next age of man powered by AI and evolving new forms of organic life we must remember our cosmic purpose and reestablish our foundation upon this planet to have the container for this next wave of dangerous empowerment.

We cannot know the destination of our world any more than any single cell or group of cells within the body of God can know their purpose but to maintain the ability to respond upon stimulus to events outside of our control.  Having an effective church and state to support humanity is crucial as we are asked to hold more potential energy and to wield more power to fulfill our roll of an evolving cosmos.

The new design of our next civilization is a big deal for humanity.  It must be founded upon our human role for the cosmos.  Church and state must be founded upon and abide by the rules of cosmonomics for humanity and the cosmos to thrive.


Why Humans?


The Persistent Problem of Psychopathy