The Persistent Problem of Psychopathy

The human organism is based upon a win-win agreement among trillions of cells. Homeostasis,  harmony and resilience are the key metrics for the life force and effectiveness any sized organization from the single human to the civilization. And yet, these principals of biological life have yet to be sustainably implemented within larger human organizations. Why? The psychopaths.

It is a persistent problem of human progress that the 1% to 4% of a large population who are primarily psychopathic in nature and action can end up on top of leadership and cause history books full of drama.  All three departments of BCC have their own relationship to psychopathy. Today we will explore strategies of citadelization to combat this human malady.

First, when a problem is this persistent, it is best to stop and recognize how and why it is built into the rule system we cannot escape from.  This is akin to the aphorism to “don’t shoot the messenger.’  In nature, we find the predator/prey dynamic set up to ensure a healthy ecosystem. And every human kills to live and has a survival instinct even if covered up or confused by religion or dietary choices.  So solely externalizing the psychopath as a force to fully exterminate  is not in alignment with life on Earth any more than wishing all disease can be wiped out as valueless.

So seeing psychopathy as a force that tests our system is the way to approach it…and observing how our our body ruthlessly eliminates pathogens is a tried and true model of action. Cancerous cells must die or be redeemed, not simply be incarcerated within a tumor, a prison or a ghetto. Persistent viruses aka herpes, Epstein-Barr and shingles are never really defeated but managed by proper action is the consciousness to bring to the problem of psychopathy.

The tribal structure found in the Americas in the pre-Colombian era may be the current gold standard to model.  With the exception of the Incas and the Aztecs, the communal structure of the small tribe most effectively dealt with this problem growing out of control.  The easy flow of gossip, the difficulty of surviving alone and the use of cleansing ceremony were the first line of defense.  The ‘blanket party’ of anonymous retribution, shunning and the medicine man was the second line of defense. The third line was expulsion or ritual sacrifice.

The citadel of the tribe was able to maintain harmony and resilience by having effective strategies similar to how our personal citadel has instituted our immune system’s systemic response to psychopathic intrusion.  A family citadel in between the personal and the tribal citadels can actually be an incubator of psychopathy if the tribe allows it.

Today, in large human organizations, the weakening of families by the government and the loss of tribal authority in the 100-150 human organizational range has allowed every large human organization on Earth to be infected by psychopathy.  Therefore, we face an existential crisis that demands we face it and is designed to change our structure .  We are destined to win this battle as nature is on our side, if, we adhere to the divine blueprint.

We must atomize our own lives, take responsibility within our own family and restore our tribal network.  Imagine what actions you would need to take if the psychopaths collapse the system, because they always have.  And a new set of psychopaths will arise if there is a vacuum.  So as the old infected system is dying each of us must use this time to prepare ourselves, our family and our tribe to restore harmony and resilience around the core homeostasis that is the eternal and everlasting home base of humanity.

Look no further than your own body. Weakness invites more weakness. Right action brings strength and self confidence.  You already know what to do.  Walk away from the psychopath.  Take your power and consent back into yourself alone no matter how scary that may sound or what torture you may endure in the short term from the time scale of your immortal soul.

This is not rocket science.  By design, there is no escape from this persistent problem but right action.  It is not the psychopath we can depend upon to play nice.  Their job is to lose by forcing us back to win-win. That’s the only game in town and the only outcome our Creator will accept.


Western Civilization


Bioadministration: Life’s Immortal Victory