Bioadministration: Life’s Immortal Victory

Today, I am going to write a reminder note to myself and I also share it with you. I am choosing to remember there is a divine blueprint perfectly designed and adapted to this planet that has already won the victory of Life. We are the winner because of our human blueprint I call bioadministration.

Why remind myself today? Because this is going to be a tough summer where every thinking human will question the sanity, the purpose and the value of our American system.  Our president is a mindless, corrupt puppet with the threat of impeachment and/or incarceration of his family members in case he attempts an independent thought or action.  Our representatives, with the free flow of Citizen’s United ruling allowing corporations the legal right to buy legislation, are also captured by money and herded by skeletons in their closet.  Our courts, our prosecutors and our “impartial” judges are see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil because their political allegiance, and maybe their life or their children’s, depends upon it.

Our collective mind, our government, has never been more powerful and more powerfully corrupt and even more powerfully ignorant and incapable of rational action.  The next layer of brains behind our government, the banks and the FIRE economy have painted us all into a corner called a debt trap that can be most easily escaped by a World War.  The pandemic was an attempted and failed step to prevent a necessary debt default and, since it only made matters worse, Plan B will be rolled out this summer before a calm and sane moment arrives that allows the free people to wake up to the emergency need to put the collective mind of humanity to sleep before it kills us.

Stupidity and evil in tandem have not been this cosmically prevalent since the combined World War I/Spanish Flu pandemic.  World War II was a much higher intelligence period of fighting for control of our collective future with ingenuity, teamwork and morality winning.  The gates of hell have just opened again in Bakhmut Ukraine/Russia.  We Americans, through our government, fully supported this slaughter and we are one side of an irreconcilable contradiction that life demands is expunged by more death.

We did the same thing in Iraq and across the Middle East with a much weaker cast of sacrificial lambs.  We opened a vortex of death that took twenty years to calm which has resolved against the United States and has broken European civilization with forced migration.  That was just a warm-up to what humanity is facing today.  Desperate minds with nuclear weapons are afoot and every incentive to kick over the game board is in place.  Do I have your attention?

Humanity is a biological experiment to see if the human bridge between spirit and matter can man-handle cosmic disturbances with the primitive tools of love and death.  Even God must dig deep into Faith to not look away from the periodic consequences of this experiment in birthing a resilient homeostasis…especially when we humans lose our minds and begin a new cycle of self-harm.

I was once given a near-instantaneous opportunity to feel the inner angst of our human condition on a scale few humans can bare or comprehend that plowed a furrow in my soul.  That scar can feel a “change in the weather” and it is here.  I was also initiated into how to deal with these cosmic tests of our human experiment.  Go to the zero point.  Love. Touch. Stay. Breath. Feel. Move outside of time and see the end from the beginning.  We have already won.  Humanity already has earned its place within the body of God.

Bioadministration is the proof we are already built upon the model of the solar system, the galaxy, the universe. As above, so below.  The universal blueprint cannot fail and the sooner humanity wakes up to our birthright and kicks in its immune system the shorter this next ride will be. But I am not holding my breath in fear, because I know we have already won the great victory called life.  Just hold on and keep showing up with your best human self.

I, too, occasionally feel things beyond my ability to bare.  I have many tools, including yoga.  Yoga is not about the pain of stretching to the limit.  Its about staying and breathing into the pain to transmute the feeling of contraction into expansion, pain into ecstasy, death into life.  This circuit of transmutation is built in every human.

Life has already won.  Own it.  And remember it. Especially when you want to freak out and run. Stay and polish your humanity.


The Persistent Problem of Psychopathy


A Cosmonomic President