A Cosmonomic President

What would happen to our country and our culture if we elected a president with a popular majority and mandate to apply the principals of cosmonomics?   What if division and reconciliation where treated as the highest tools to cut and bind for the sake of harmony and resilience?  What if we knew we were such an integral and powerful part of Earth that we could help defend the biosphere from cosmic disturbances?  Tall order you say. This is the cosmic condition for which every civilization was formed and by which each one lives or dies.

A cosmonomic president would understand the core metric of any organization is its level of resilience and harmony. That human would also recognize the distinction of the many parts of their organization is tied to each humans sense of self and honor these differences as a precious commodity and concentrated energy like oil in the ground.  A cosmonomic president is like a symphony conductor guiding many different types of sounds into an integrated and beautiful expression of musical emotion.  Life itself.

How would a cosmonomic president act within the “first one hundred days”?

  1. Reconcile with the Native Americans creating one law and one equal opportunity for all people on this land.  In part this will require dividing our attention and care for our European history and their current plight.  America has yet to fully embrace this land and be embraced by it.  We still have a conquerors mentality of rape and pillage and colonize, in part, because we have yet to let go or be let go of European history while not appreciating the deep harmony our native population had for their land and can have again when we learn the lesson of truly being of this land.

  2. Modern drug based health care has become a cancerous tumor that threatens to eat the entire economy while giving radically different or no care assuming the care is effective.  Criminal behavior to exploit disease must be severely punished.  Breaking up the drug, hospital, HMO, insurance, regulatory and doctor cartels must be seen as blowing up the tumor that is self expanding like the malignancy it is.  Alternative care with herbs, vitamins, exercise, bodywork and energy management (accupunture) must be encouraged and not attacked by entrenched money interests. Maximum division from past cancerous behavior is urgently required to restore health.

  3. Government supported early childhood care and education must be harmonized with the cosmic expression of human purpose which is to be fully and expressively alive.  Where adult life is repetitively driven by wounds, dogmas and economic competition, our children are our greatest generators of harmony and group purpose.  To rush young children into adult understanding and concern is a civilizational mistake like a single human with mental, emotional or physical constipation.  Set the children free for as long as possible and harmony will flow from the land and its people.

  4. Restore the harmony and trust between the government and the people.  This comes from following the constitution and having one justice system for all people including the rich, powerful and connected people.  This harmony will help be restored from providing an internet based public forum and feedback system for every government agency, program and employee.  Restore the ability to fire government employees for cause other than politics and make all the health and retirement systems as well as regulations apply equally to the government and private employees.

  5. Our defense and intelligence agencies must produce audited financial statements and open mission statements.  All forms of secrecy and classification are to be terminated.  Every government document must be made publicly available realtime. It is our secrecy since the assignation of JFK that has broken the American system and rules based order.  If there was no secrecy our system would have already won every conflict and be leading the entire world to trust and harmony that was humanity’s collective dream born from the horrors of World Wars.

This is my cosmonomic prescription for a cosmonomic president to do a first hundred day triage to our dying civilization.

Western civilization with Christianity is a divine creation designed to lead humanity into a new age. And it has even with all its faults and failures.  Its time is not over because it has yet to fully embrace its cosmic mission to “raise the dead” and redeem life divided back into wholeness through love and harmony.  And we Americans as the golden child of western civilization were supposed to marry the people of this land with their spiritual connection to it and each other.

This promised union of new and old world’s is not dead.  It is waiting to be born when enough humans see and embrace a cosmonomic representative of our collective dream and destiny. A cosmonomic president.


Bioadministration: Life’s Immortal Victory

