
Life gives each human a number of abilities and attributes unique to ourself.  Our fingerprints are unique. The iris of our eye is unique.  Our DNA is unique.  Our memories are unique.  And today we will explore a public subset of our memory, we call our reputation, that is being increasingly curated and stored outside of our being as a unique marker of our human expression.

In a biblical sense, our reputation is recorded in the Book of Life by which it is said we will be judged at the end of time. And it seems like the computer, inexhaustible memory capacity and the internet have downloaded the Book of Life for all to see and explore.  What was saved until the end of time for judgment is now a readily available digital fingerprint for all to see.

What are the consequences of having the feedback loop of morality between an individual and their Creator being open and immediate? In short, its a big deal.  What was a sense of self that remained hidden and inviolable is now open to manipulation by deceit, error and selective editing for judgment by beings who are not able or authorized to judge another human.

This is the age we live in. Humans playing at being gods.  We are discovering how to manipulate our DNA and to fine tune our own offspring.  Some humans are designing super viruses and countering vaccines in a evolutionary arms race that each human had no part in approving being subjected to.  Authoritarian governments are using mind control and social engineering in new and unprecedented ways.  And now there are corporations birthing AI.

What does our reputation have to do with all of these attempts to become our own god?  Reputation is the history of our applied ethics.  We need forgiveness for our mistakes to learn from that God has built into the system.  Man and machine? Not so.  Our reputation, as designed, was curated within our sense of self and acted as an external representation of our soul.  If something can interfere with our reputation it is a doorway into manipulating our sense of self and also opens and weakens our soul to manipulation and harvest.

So like most powerful inventions, the downloading and easy access to our history and our reputation is a double-edged sword.  It can cut us down to the soul and it can also be the tool that cuts through the noise of the world allowing our soul to fully manifest for all to see.  This is true as long as each human has personal control over their digital fingerprint the same way each human curates their own sense of self within.

Personally, I am funding and curating my own digital fingerprint.  This blog.  I sprinkle in my own memories and experiences but the core of my presentation of BCC Institute is a downloading of the synapses in my mind and heart that are the circuitry of my soul’s experience and expression.  I am making sure my reputation is fully expressed and documented. Why? Defensively to fill a vacuum in the digital world so no one else can fill it. Offensively, I am sharing my story and my programming in an age when the core human program is being corrupted.

I was happy in my young to attach my reputation with tags of an American white, straight, male successful in family, military and business.  But somehow that reputation has been tarnished and come under assault.  Did I change or did other peoples feelings about my history change?  Some criticism is warranted.  Reprogramming for an agenda of control is not.  My reputation and therefore my sense of self is under attack.  Will it penetrate into my soul?

Citadelization is fundamentally a defensive strategy preventing soul loss from external harvesting by layering soul, reputation, family, tribe, race, species.  Our sense of self and our reputation acts like a suit of armor just outside our soul and shielding our soul from penetration.  These latest propaganda campaigns and encouraged divisions for personal advantage have entered into the family level and are attacking our reputations.

My advice to those forces that are attempting to harvest soul material by changing the reputation of previously valuable foundations of society, you will not win. Stop before your harvest becomes bitter. To those innocent fools who jump on the bandwagon of the destruction of ideals and reputations en mass, you will one day regret the destruction of valuable reputation as a civilizing force.  You may wake up with a knife in your hand over a dead body you love, want and need.

Pay attention to your reputation. Make yourself proud. And leave the reputation of others alone.


A Cosmonomic President

