
Life is the name we give to an original and mysterious force that manifests as willpower in the body, emotion in the heart and exploration in the mind.  At a purely physical level, we have over 200 different types of cells, each with an independent life force, specializing for the harmonious manifestation of a complete human.  We call this blueprint of our being and its cooperation bioadministration.

We humans in the modern age physically struggle with auto-immunity, a confusion of our immune system in determining self and non-self due to many man-made chemical compounds and chronic inflammation response.  We also are having our emotions enflamed as never before by mass media and political agendas of division and shame.  The use of pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs to manage or block our emotions is the true epidemic.  These conditions are states that life will not tolerate for long by evolutionary standards of time.

So we have a limited window of time before there is an epoch ending cleansing of humanity for our own sake and the sake of the cosmos.  That reset of our life force may come through AI or pandemic or nuclear war that extinguishes our modern world. We will be sent by life back to the cradle of civilization and a memorializing of every death wish, conscious or unconscious, that started as a mental contradiction.  A death wish started as a legitimate question, with two opposing points of view that is not resolved.

Life sets us up with these ethical dilemmas to be resolved long before we face extinction by our own inability to discipline ourselves into a resolution.  For example, we discover alcohol and shortly thereafter must resolve its love/hate relationship within our mind or it will seriously impact our life and health.  As a larger organization and society of many people these crises of contradiction and divided view within the same organization can exist for years and generations.

Cosmonomics explains the cosmic need and harvest of our contradictions by resolution.  But bioadministration sees and explains irresolvable contradictions as a disease of the mind that can and will invade deeper layers of health and life if they are allowed to become systemic.  And if some humans discover how to create and exploit these contradictions for personal power and gain then that is a guaranteed path to civil war because life demands a level of internal harmony even if that means facing of a healing crisis and possible death is necessary to force resolution.

This is the condition of our United States today.  Chronic contradictions within the mind and memory of our culture have been dug up and are being used for intentionally destructive purpose.  How can one political party use propaganda and our justice system to claim white supremacy is our greatest problem when we just elected a black man to be our president?  Twice.  How can masculinity be so “toxic” when women’s liberation and empowerment in all domains has been honored and supported by the fathers and husbands and brothers for decades? Bikinis or burkas. Ladies choice.

To continue to feed contradictions for personal grievance or advantage well beyond their best efforts and widespread example of resolution is to invite mental contradiction into the dangerous ground of emotional explosion and physical violence.  Life will demand resolution or will withdraw and start again.  And resolution of contradiction is a two sided meeting of the mind, not a capitulation of one point of view to the other backed by emotional and physical abuse.  Resolution of contradiction must be a complete cleansing backed by remorse and forgiveness in order to truly provide the reconciling force for the restoration of harmony.  Anything less sets up chronic disease and emotional deformation.

Contradiction is the natural order of life to keep open the resolution of two opposing views for cosmic purpose and for the growth of understanding for humans and humanity.  The inability or the unwillingness to resolve contradiction is not the natural order of life and will bring its withdrawal.  Death.

Life can suffer much abuse for the sake of growth but life will not stand to be violated.  Therefore, the absolute key to life on Earth is respect for both sides of every contradiction.  Both sides must be honored as the foundation of harmony and homeostasis for life to remain.

Life is bigger than all of us and our contradictions are allowed as servants of our growth, not as demons that cannot be excised. Be advised. Life demands resolution.  Or death is the consequence.




Catastrophe and Redemption