Catastrophe and Redemption

Human life upon Earth is haunted by the idea of a catastrophe about to befall our species or our planet.  Our human preoccupation with near term events out of our control that will cause huge suffering can only come from some previous programming…instilled by deep and painful memories.  I am ruling out false memories implanted by some manipulative Creator for real events that have been visited upon us…repetitively.

Thankfully, since we live on a planet regularly visited by catastrophe, humans are by nature very childlike in their ability to stay in a state of innocent play and self absorption in daily routine.  But we are also frequently interrupted by fear of punishment.  Innocence and guilt wrapped up in the same emotional body makes us like a high performance engine with excellent, fine throttle control ready to respond to any external disturbance.  Is this a feature of our design or our evolution from experience? Or both?

Cosmonomics, as the science of our human energy exchanges with the cosmos, should have the ability to explain the complexity and purpose of our human nature, both in design and evolution.  In a one word explanation, that is redemption.  By definition, redemption is the conscious act of connecting pain with transcendence, purity with sin, catastrophe with courage.  The human heart with its vortex around the dimensional doorway we call the zero point is the space where any two opposing forces can meet and reconcile.

It is so common and natural to eliminate food waste from our biological system through an orifice, how unusual would it be to also have a built in elimination circuit for processed energy?  Our bodies have a lot of built in plumbing and processing power to assimilate physical substances into ourselves, why would we have no ability to process energetic vibrations we are surrounded by and naturally absorb?

What we call and know as redemption is the result of a natural reconciliation process that has historically been assigned to metaphysics and religion.  It is time to redeem this knowledge from superstition back into widespread understanding of humanity’s greatest power to stay alive and in harmony with a catastrophe prone environment.  And this knowledge is most vital and most discoverable in extremis.

Every culture down to the smallest tribe has enshrined in story and myth this process of redemption in the face of catastrophe.  Joseph Campbell became famous for cataloging every hero’s journey from across planetary history.  And the hero’s journey at its core involved courageous redemption from Heracles with strength to Christ with forgiveness. Being able to use one’s body and spirit to redeem a catastrophe and restore harmony is the human story we enshrine through all time and space. There is no higher lesson.  There is no greater memory.

Even deeper than catastrophe and redemption is the cycle of life and death, the ultimate contradiction.  We rarely give thought to the structure and laws which govern everything we see and experience.  Why life? Why death?  This universe is designed to force (Devil) or encourage (Christ) our growth of our being, our soul, our spirit.  Whether catastrophe is an accident of harmonization or a tool in some unseen hand to stimulate our growth, we have the our heart’s ability for redemption as the universal solvent to any and all division.

So as we approach the next narrow gate of our human evolution in the midst of a potential world war, the next pandemic, a financial collapse or, my greatest fear, facing an infinitely stupid and corrupt government, I invite you to remember the human superpower, redemption.  It is as natural and unavoidable and as vital as visiting the bathroom regularly.

Don’t allow the words of the prophets of catastrophe to accumulate within your psyche like putrid food.  Use play, use joy, use art, use love, use forgiveness, use conscious breath to flush yourself clear and clean.  Redeem yourself with each breath, each thought by keeping your ultimate power of your personal connection to the zero point open and flowing.

Then you are ready for anything but not waiting for it or in fear of it.  Be already redeemed in each and every moment.




Uni-verse, One Song