Uni-verse, One Song

The commonality of language and history among a group of people allows for co-empowerment and harmony.  This can most easily be seen within the organization of a single human’s trillions of cells.  Many meditation, competitive sports and martial arts train a coherence between our cells. organs and nerve centers for peak performance. And it works!

When we look at larger organizations of humans, the ability to communicate in a common language and to know a common history is also an empowering and harmonizing force.  Great teams and great corporations focus upon and polish their traditions because they know from experience when the going gets tough, having a common history of survival and victory to tap into under stress is priceless.

Nations and tribes are no different.  The forces of globalization detest nationalism and tribalism, not because it is limiting their members but because it is blocking the agenda of greater integration.  The problem is that globalization’s initial benefits have become offset by the lack of vision in a global future where the individual still feels secure and empowered.  Our story, personal, tribal or national is intimately connected to our essence and even to our soul and there is an important instinct to defend our personal uni-verse, even if it seems limited by worldly standards.

Today, we will explore this contradiction of wanting to belong and wanting to be free.  The only resolution is in capability.  When the benefits of surrender to a larger organization outweigh the loss of freedom the organization will continue to grow.  When the commitment to a larger organization actually enhances our individual freedom then we belong to a group that is in alignment with our soul.

Globalization, launched after WWII to replace european colonization, was a much greater balance of win-win cooperation and swept the world.  Both China and the Soviet Union became aware their system could not compete with the enhanced freedom, innovation and abundance lead by the United States and its unified song of co-empowered trade and rising wages from productivity growth.  Common prosperity and abundance are great unifiers.

Unfortunately, prosperity and abundance for several generations leads to expectation and privilege.  The cells of humanity that were benefitting from the lessons of our World Wars no longer sang the song of unity as loudly or as strong.  Democracy and fiat money at the core of our common agreement was not checked by responsible leadership and all our attempts to paper over the divisions that freedom and abundance grew only made dependancies that weakened the win-win co-empowerment.

For a while, the desire to continue to sing the one song encourages our human leadership to lie to ourselves with more debt and deficits, denial of responsibility and finally a stifling of any dissent.  Corruption at all levels becomes encouraged from the lack of harmony and the fear of facing an unknown future.  We put up with a story and a song that no longer resonates as sweetly because we cannot see a better future in change and self interest begins to rule the land.

At this point (today, for example) the weakness and corruption lead us into a crisis that will create the next unifying story.  A battle as old as time will ensue. Old worn out stories and those humans that cling to them will perish.  A new song will arise. What do we do to survive in hopes and prayers of a new dawn?

When the taste of our enslavement to a tired story becomes too great we are forced to look inside for satisfaction and solution.  Action usually requires, first, our re-establishing core ideals and a touching of our soul to reinvigorate our desire to live.  This is the foundation of citadelization. Then we look around for those fellow humans we resonate with to strengthen our field of co-empowerment.

World Wars, by their nature of planetary wide conflict and resolution, force a new story and harmony upon humanity that is written by the survivors.  The key is to survive the initiation and in the process remember what is important and how to thrive.  This knowing thyself comes from these trials of refinement of ourself in this dance called life on Earth with eight billion humans.

This is the cycle of life we are facing and since it is unavoidable, why not just do the work without the devil’s pitchfork at our back?  Go to your core. Ask the hard questions of yourself.  Cut off the parasites.  Find your tribe.  Create your citadel. Listen for the new song of the next age of man on Earth that sounds sweet and add your voice.


Catastrophe and Redemption


Immigration and The Bioadministration Approach to Zero Point