Immigration and The Bioadministration Approach to Zero Point

We usually bring in the concept of the zero point when discussing the vortex around the heart and its dimensional doorway. Today, we will apply the bioadministration structure to a current seemingly irreconcilable contradiction buried deeply within the foundational division of left and right.  Immigration.

It’s one thing to theoretically apply the cosmonomic teachings of Christ, the great reconciler, to core contradictions for resolution. Love thy neighbor as thyself is the commandment. But who has the heart muscle to just grab one of the devil’s core motor generators and weld it with love back into unity?  For we not yet saints, there is a logical mental analysis using the rules of bioadministration that can shepherd our understanding of issues like immigration into an alignment with the outer reaches of the vortex surrounding the zero point. Let’s explore.

The foundational theory of bioadministration is that our human body, heart, mind is the perfectly designed, evolved and tested blueprint for our larger human organizations. As above, so below.  Therefore, every political contradiction, divided into left and right to create division already has been resolved within our own blueprint. High levels of immigration is analogous to the growth of new cells required after a viral infection.

The difference between a bacterial and a viral infection, to review, is a harmful bacteria is an independent life form that can be attacked directly by our immune system and eliminated while a virus is a bit of DNA code that invades each human cell to hijack its reproduction equipment and produce more copies of viral DNA.  This means our immune system can only defend the body from viral reproduction by killing our human cell that has been hijacked.  And a viral infection requires a massive amount of death and new life to return to health.

Today, the United States is still within maybe the third inning of a nine inning game of life and death begun by the COVID pandemic.  This is an extremely complex process of disease and rebirth with many components and lessons to learn.  The division created between political left and right even down to the family level has not been healed and will not be for years.  How our core program and the soul of our nation is changed is still completely up in the air.  But our immune system has little compassion for our feelings and less concern for our judgments while fighting for our life.  And we are in a fight for our life.

From a bioadministration perspective our body of the United States has a very high rate of death of important individual cells and instinctually knows there is much disease still embedded within many cells.  That disease may be physical with damaged heart muscles and compromised immune systems, emotional with anger and despair at our political and economic future and mental with catastrophic mistakes from the confusion that naturally occurs during high fevers and rapid change.

From a purely Machiavellian political view, the Ponzi nature of our monetary and retirement systems was already evident and failing before COVID struck.  With or without COVID there was no way to pay for the promises our democracy voted for itself currently much less in the future, so COVID was simply the trigger for an already stagnant, bankrupt system that we boomers would not let go of.

So from the soul level of America’s karmic debt for the European colonization of North America needing reintegration with its more native population to the failing systemic Ponzi scheme of money printing and retirement promises to the body’s need to rapidly replace old cells with new from a “novel” viral pandemic there was a fractal alignment of life or death issues facing western civilization that had only one solution for this alignment of issues. Immigration.

From the perspective of bioadministration, our body is flooding itself with new life to replace the old dying life even if in the short run this creates more emotional and mental stresses.  My advice to my fellow Americans is to turn towards life and choose to live.  Remember what has made the people on this land free no matter what color of their skin.  Be free, live free and teach freedom to all our new neighbors.


Uni-verse, One Song


Politics and Cosmonomics