Politics and Cosmonomics

Cosmonomics is founded upon a higher understanding of the purpose of good and evil.  We humans who suffer and enjoy division and reconciliation consider life a drama we attempt to gain control over. To the cosmos, we humans are an energy storage device (division) and frequency generator (reconciliation) critical to the growth and enhancement of the greater life we humans are apart, if unconscious of.  How will our politics operate once we become conscious of our cosmic mission?

Step one is to make humans aware of our “mission for God”.  Division into polarities of man/woman, white/black, rich/poor creates the container for potential storage of energy the same way a lead/acid battery establishes the two poles of positive and negative.  We humans charge this container with our emotional bodies and our feelings, backed by mental judgment about the “other” polarity we are locked in an endless loop around.  Via la difference!

When greater levels of life in the cosmos requires specialized frequencies to respond to a cosmic level disturbance then humanity is triggered to release those energies the same way our own liver is triggered to produce digestive juices when its “god” eats a hamburger or releases glucose when we go to the gym for a workout.  Human reconciliation of division is often accompanied with feelings of love and ecstasy, powerful by design, to bring the cosmos back to homeostasis.

What if our political system understood and accepted humanity’s lawful relationship with division and reconciliation, evil and good?  What if our human leadership honored both the creation of mental, emotional and physical uniqueness and also left open all the doorways to the healing and reconciliation of division?  This would codify a sensitivity to cosmic disturbances and response that would prevent indigestion and insulin spikes. When humanity is most blocked at maximum cosmic need we record mass triggering events like wars, pandemics and natural disasters that force humanity to an irreversible reconciliation vortex and permanent harvest called death.

In past epochs, politics has been positively and negatively affected by this understanding.  Tribes across our planet instituted many forms of ritual cleansing like full moon ecstatic dance and Sunday church to release pent up division as a form of worship and instinctual connection to something greater.  There were also limited understandings of our human burden by priests that called for the ritual sacrifice of the innocent to “appease the gods”.  Both systems gave up energy stored within the human battery and biosphere, but one was a harmonious political system and the other was an abusive political system.

With this basic understanding of cosmonomics, we can see why the United States has been so successful and blessed by its commitment to freedom of religion and free expression.  Just like children exemplify a near magical ability to transmute crappy food and wounded parenting into ecstasy so easily, the childlike nature of the American political system ideally has produced a sustained ability to maintain a container of honored division and a rapid ability to forgive and move forward free of grievance.

When we elect leaders that use grievance for their advantage, they are the modern priests that are ensuring a blood letting.  When we accept political platforms filled with promises made to special interests we are ensuring indigestion within the political body.  It is one thing to accept and honor our divisions and to ensure that none of the cells of our human organization are considered first or third class, but to charge our container with grievance for personal advantage and manipulation is literally playing God and playing with the lives and souls of humanity.

Our political leadership should emulate and harmonize with the mystical and powerful vortex most commonly called love that is the magnet our Creator has charged with an undeniable magnetic attraction.  Like a parent that both protects the innocence of their child but loves allowing them to explore, learn and sometimes fall, our political leadership must truly love their place and purpose as a sacred responsibility to ensure the harmony between man and cosmos.

Its that big. And that powerful. And that terrible to screw it up. With cosmonomics, a golden age for humanity is no mystery, its a political choice.  It starts with an acceptance of humanity’s place and purpose without personal agenda or promotion of grievance.

And by remembering the human superpower of love, forgiveness and harmony is our cosmic gift and our cosmic purpose.


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