Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Politics and Cosmonomics

Cosmonomics is founded upon a higher understanding of the purpose of good and evil.  We humans who suffer and enjoy division and reconciliation consider life a drama we attempt to gain control over. To the cosmos, we humans are an energy storage device (division) and frequency generator (reconciliation) critical to the growth and enhancement of the greater life we humans are apart, if unconscious of.  How will our politics operate once we become conscious of our cosmic mission?

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Politics and Bioadministration

There’s a barely hidden shadow desire among even the most liberal democracies for a “benevolent dictator” to arise during times of crisis.  This myth goes something like a reincarnation of the Stoic Marcus Aurelius wielding wisdom and dictatorial authority to save democracy from itself.  Another more modern incarnation of a hoped for savior is the arrival of benevolent aliens with advanced technology and wisdom to freely share.  And there’s always the tried and true belief in the second coming of Christ, or the Islamic Mahdi or the Jewish Messiah.

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