Politics and Bioadministration

There’s a barely hidden shadow desire among even the most liberal democracies for a “benevolent dictator” to arise during times of crisis.  This myth goes something like a reincarnation of the Stoic Marcus Aurelius wielding wisdom and dictatorial authority to save democracy from itself.  Another more modern incarnation of a hoped for savior is the arrival of benevolent aliens with advanced technology and wisdom to freely share.  And there’s always the tried and true belief in the second coming of Christ, or the Islamic Mahdi or the Jewish Messiah.

From each hopeful vector there comes a higher intelligence and benevolent force with all the answers.  And now the newest vector of imminent salvation is from artificial intelligence.  Another roll of the dice with a controlling force made of equal parts promise and terror that completely surrenders humanity to an external authority for salvation? No thanks. Not interested. Why? Because there’s already a divine blueprint of the tested and perfected human organization. Our own imbedded human mind, heart and body complex.

What I have named bioadministraiton is the reconciliation of divided politics into a unified state because the logic of using our own organism as the model of governance is undebatable.  No savior, whether superhuman, alien or software program is required to weld left and right back together.  Simple, verifiable metrics like blood sugar levels, body-mass index, pH of arterial blood already establish healthy homeostasis for a single human no matter what temporary “advantages” politicians and their candy promise to get elected.

There is no escape from the objective truth of the perfect operation of our collective selves.

There is an ideal amount of fat for a human to carry around in reserve and tax policy should reflect that.  There are seasons, contingencies and emergencies which require dipping into the wealth reserves but institutionalizing transfer payments from one set of healthy cells to another set of healthy cells or enshrining emergencies into forward deployed military bases or the expansion of police powers as symptoms of chronic inflammation is not healthy.  There is an objective harmony to every human dilemma that does not require non-human intervention, just an opening of our eyes to the “truth” that keeps us healthy and alive.

I can forgive our juvenile experiments into politics, religion and mysticism in the past because the assembly of groups of humans into a single functional organization had only the incentive of self interest based on conquest or survival as its organizing principals.  And we could not see inside of our own body for a blueprint of win-win cooperation.  Now there is no excuse for ignorance except for the embedded ignorance of individual self interest built into our political systems from the past ages of the many trials in the dark and countless errors of application.

Now I see the juvenile squabbling and demanding of advantage for a single corporation or interest group paid for by other humans or the biosphere as beneath our basic humanity.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting to win for ourself or our country as long as each human understands there is no personal victory within the closed system of humanity on Earth without our personal victory adding to a culture of win-win for the whole of humanity. To be selfish while waiting for an external power to apply discipline is infantile.

Bioadministration in politics does not eliminate left and right.  Being two legged and two armed, having opposable thumbs is nature’s design.  And it is in nature’s design that oppositions must harmonize upon the tasks at hand.  Our government is our mind and where all the inputs are gathered and potential choices of action are formulated.  The potential courses of action should be presented to our heart and soul for evaluation and then harmonious instructions sent to both limbs and both legs or to all fingers and thumb. Walking, talking, swimming, dancing all work on harmony of purpose.  Governments should too.

When ideologies of left and right fight for self interest in the mind and in governmental politics at the expense of their natural harmonious opposition there can be no victory.  Winning that does not contain victory for all is a chimera being dangled in our eyes by fractured humans with fractured minds who push their divisions upon humanity.  Cosmonomics explains the cosmic  purpose for division but bioadministration is the evolution of the divine blueprint of life on Earth as the perfect counterbalance of unified action and resilience in the face of any cosmic disturbance.

So my invitation today and moving forward into the future is to see politics of left and right as children playing in the playground, experimenting with ego and personality.  These children's recess games must and should be contained to short periods of expression and exercise far from the principals office and the collection of maturity and mission in the Earth school.  There is an objective truth that is the human blueprint and it must be defended against selfish and youthful assault.

Bioadministration is the cornerstone of a new civilization of win-win cooperation ready to be set in place by a unified mind, a reconciled heart and two hands in harmonious opposition.




Heart Hygiene and Defense