
We have talked recently under the topic of citadelization about contagion and un-contagion as epic and titanic forces each human is subject to…. by design.  From flash mobs to cults to bathing in the “peace that surpasses all understanding, we humans are susceptible to influence and infection for positive and negative effect.

Every human has their own personal soap opera to navigate to be the hero in our own story. I am committed to walking back and forth across this inner domain to teach resilience and self-knowledge within your own story.  And betrayal is one of the great teachers and enforcers of our true self.

Citadelization is founded upon a personal center of gravity with our personal zero point as the attractor which can give us a balance point within the sea of contagions we navigate every day.  Any force capable of betrayal must have found its way into one’s mix of self-balance in order to destabilize us. At some level, we granted permission to effect said balance by the addition or removal of a contagion.  Do we even know what humans or organizations could betray us because they have been given conscious or unconscious permission to do so?

A good exercise is to make a list of those people and organizations who could betray the trusted place within our center of gravity. From spouses and our children to the entire federal government don’t leave anyone off the list.  Then by each name write down the betrayals that are already occurring or occurred in the past that still have an emotional charge. Expand the list of possible betrayals our minds imagine and our hearts fear.  Then ask ourself, honestly, why we have allowed these outside contagions to be a part of ourself.

To be betrayed is to be awakened, perhaps violently, to a contagion we have accepted into our field. Why leave that potential hidden in the tall grass in the noise of everyday life? Use this exercise to go hunting for hidden agreements that may spring upon us. You may think you are hunting for enemies, but I suggest to not give them that much energy.

It is very common for the first cold front in the fall season to trigger a cold or a flu.  This was not an external invasion but rather an inner contagion of a virus or bacteria who has been lying dormant within the body ready to “betray” us with a health event.  The breaking of our daily concerns and routines by becoming ill is a defensive strategy, especially at the change of seasons in preparation for winter.  The activation of the immune system, the change of diet, the purging of toxins and the elimination of much excess of microorganisms riding along for no benefit in the winter months is a “betrayal” we should welcome.

Similarly, we humans carry hidden contagions within our sense of self that may flourish for a season or for years.  Then our soul may sense the need for a “healing crisis” and a betrayal of one of our hidden contagions may provide the spark of re-evaluation and refinement of self we would have never embarked upon without the inner disturbance of being betrayed.

Our bodies and our souls are very sensitive and wise organizations.  Our minds? Not so much. Imagination is an incredible tool of the mind that can connect us to any and all contagious energies floating within the psychic realm that is the storage device of the group mind of humanity.  This expansive ability must have a containment mechanism or our sense of self will be lost to every flight of fancy and shiny object our curious mind follows without limit.  Betrayal, and its consequence of pain of loss, is a counterbalancing fail-safe to contagion by every idea our mind can latch on to.

As much as innocence is a parents’ gift to their young children for as long as possible, to attempt to extend childhood into adulthood is a grave error.  Betrayal of innocence is painful to accept and many have questioned why childhood innocence being preyed upon seems built into the system… and it is.

Our souls are here to serve and to grow by that service.  Childhood is a great service to the cosmos and to humanity.  But adulthood with a childlike heart that has been “betrayed” many times and forgiven it all is a force of self that is the birthing of angels, or whatever you want to call those souls that graduated the Earth school, betrayal and all.


I Am That I Am Vortex


Politics and Bioadministration