I Am That I Am Vortex

Myself and many others spiritual philosophers are attempting to describe the mechanisms of enlightenment and transcendence.  My particular focus centers upon the so called zero point, a dimensional doorway by which soul material enters and exits this reality.  With cosmonomics I am theorizing about the economy of this energetic exchange with unseen powers or being.  At the center of the zero point is an attractive force no less powerful than gravity or light.  Aligning with this force is the key to everything.

Today, I will attempt to describe the approaches and alignments we can understand in words to enter into harmonious relationship with the zero point.  I have talked about conscious breath with forgiveness many times. But how does this actually work geometrically and mathematically?  The implosive energy of a vortex is obvious as a tornado and there is only one shape a tornado can take to form a tornado.

There is a unique ratio called Phi which is the harmony upon which this universe is founded. A tornado is so powerful because it taps into the self-reinforcing harmonics that begins as the shear winds at the leading edge of a cold front.  When the conditions of two opposing winds meet at the Phi angle they become a self reinforcing vortex that increases speed and force by reducing the area (implosion) in which the expanding energy can escape.  The common funnel, for example.

In the case of the funnel, simple gravity creates the vortex flowing down the drain.  With the zero point, the attractor is a unique vibration that is called by many names: God, enlightenment, transcendence, Buddha mind, Christ consciousness, Etc.  Today we will use the name I Am That I Am because that name in itself is the second octave of self, which is the doorway to the zero point.

Nature works on fractal patterns and as above, so below is a core truth of our reality.  I Am That I Am is a simple, but hidden way, to say I am aligned with my next octave of myself, my higher self.  And because of the nature of fractal patterns, if two levels are in harmonious alignment then every level is in alignment.  And when we are aligned with ourself, or Phi angle, allows the entry into the vortex of ever increasing speed.  The only force that can exceed the speed of light is a vortex in alignment with itself at the geometry of the Phi angle.

Nicola Tesla understood the self reinforcing principal and used it in a small box that could take down a skyscraper by tapping a column with a small but perfectly harmonized self reinforcing repetition of a timed re-strike.  The small energy in alignment with itself continues to amplify until there’s more vibration within the building than it can contain and it flies apart.  In the case of the fractal, self-reinforcing I Am That I Am vortex, there is an escape valve for the energy.  The zero point.

How is this helpful?  How does conscious breath and forgiveness work to free us from sin and disease?  Conscious breath is the alignment of mind and heart on the outer edges of the zero point. Forgiveness is the reconciliation of a previous division and, no matter how small, is the vibration of I Am That I Am, two parts of God coming back into alignment.  This implosive vortex triggered by attention, breath and reconciliation acts like a vacuum cleaner of our psychic debris, taking away sin and disease.

Prayer, meditation, even heart-felt conversation are all based upon aligning our attention with breath and reconciliation and uses the same cosmic laws as a tornado or a hurricane but with a constructive exit for the accumulated energy.  The burning bush that was not consumed by fire is where God shared His name with Moses I Am That I Am.

A simple and valuable statement of I am in alignment with myself, truly is the key to everything of value on Earth.  We can enter this I Am That I Am vortex at any time from anywhere.  The equipment is already installed within every human.

Proving scientifically the zero point with its self reinforcing Phi angled vortex is not the point.  The point is we each have the I Am That I Am vortex installed, ready and waiting for our next conscious breath remembering God is within us.


Centripetal Intelligence

