Heart Hygiene and Defense

Here at the end of a down cycle in organized religion and the soft-headed confusion surrounding the New Age movement there is little wisdom still residing in humanity of how to protect our heart from penetration and contamination.  At the same time, we have a pharmaceutical-based psychiatry finding more and more ways to block and deaden our emotional body and an increasing intensity of programmed light dug from deeper and deeper into the collective unconscious of humanity to overstimulate us. 

Our purest representatives of heart health, our children, are being preyed upon by some unseen force infecting our culture.  And our OG’s of heart wisdom, our elderly, are transfixed on and transfused by cable news.  Frankly, humanity is being gang raped and has pretty much accepted its position.  The real question for any conscious human is “Are we humans just milk cows hooked to an automatic milking machine or are we humans under an assault that our Creator is allowing and praying for our evolution into a conscious species?”

A core assumption of cosmonomics is humanity being a vital organ with a responsibility to a higher organization of life we are living inside of.  We are being both “milked” AND we are evolving into a conscious species, generally through the experience of pain.  The pain is optional, feeling is not.  So how do we humans do our job consciously, without pain? By conscious management of our emotional body.  Not with SSRI’s or Netflix, but with heart mastery.

Humans are masters of our body from practical use.  We go to school most of our early life to master our minds.  But we have little encouragement to master our heart even though the greater life we live within has scant use for our thoughts and movements while humanity’s feelings are a vital flow of energy to our Host.  Becoming aware and conscious of our true human power and responsibility is the road to a golden age on Earth. Let’s get started.

The oldest wisdom of humanity is embodied by shamans, yogis and chi gong masters.  All three allowed their relationship with Nature be their foundation of wisdom.  For a cosmonomist, our teacher and our gold standard is a young child before ego and personality formation and a saintly grandparent that has fully incorporated their life’s experience into their soul.  The handbook of heart mastery is alive within humanity for all to see and feel and remember.  Backing this up is our innate drive for love and harmony that lies at the center of the vortex within our heart we call the zero point.

The best tools of heart hygiene and defense are breath, attention and love’s forgiveness.  Breath is our most physical connection between our heart and our outer world.  We both inhale the psychic energy of our environment and we exhale from our lungs our inner condition.  Attention upon the breath is like having a knight guarding the doorway to our heart and having all three, breath, attention and forgiveness, is the human superpower.

A young child is naturally beautiful because of their ability to harness these three forces instinctually.  They can transmute crappy food, crappy parentage and a crappy society because they are connected to a higher force more powerful and reconciled than their human condition.  An elderly human who has walked all the lesser paths of the human drama and found the only path that holds the world together in harmony is forgiveness and love.  Their breath, their attention and their heart are tuned to love and they shower their world simply by their being alive.

The hidden wisdom of Alchemy lies not in literally turning lead into gold but in the ability to take the bits and pieces of human emotion and suffering and to weld them back into God’s love for humanity.  To be able to take what humans carelessly and powerfully discard and to consume it into harmony might just be a practice the cosmos has permanent positions for.  What if a two-year-old is the human master to follow into Eternity because they still remember the alchemical recipe of human life? 

The sine qua non of human life resides in our ability to remain connected to the zero point.  We create a defensive maze to protect the access to our greatest treasure, our heart’s connection to Eternity.  As we grow ready to return to Eternity these defenses are no longer walls saying to keep out but become the breadcrumbs we left behind to follow home.

Become a master of a clean and pure heart, the true human superpower and destiny.


Politics and Bioadministration


Bioelectrical Un-Contagion