Bioelectrical Un-Contagion

The study of bioelectric fields, also named morphogenic fields, is an interesting area of study.  One simple study took an egg laid by a chicken and put it under a duck to hatch with her eggs.  The newborn chick’s beak was deformed by trying to transform into a duckbill and there was the beginning of webbing on the feet between the toes.  Bioelectric fields are powerful forces in shaping our lives even if our genetic programming is different.

There are also other vectors of studying bioelectric fields from advertising to crowd control to modern medicine to fifth generation warfare were there is much to learn about seizing and manipulating this bioelectrical interstitial fluid we humans float within. Ideologies and cults are extreme examples of losing oneself into a bioelectrical contagion.  In the design of cultures and civilizations it will be necessary to fully understand the organizing and disorganizing field forces from an offensive and a defensive perspective.

One of the easily recognizable advantages of late Western Civilization in America is our commitment to individualization in the face of, and even coopting, methods of mass communication.  Our atomization of individuated personality cults means there will not be another American Hitler or Mao because no single person can be the face of a culture in such a competitive environment of targeted marketing.  Trump was a marketing genius but ran into a fractured morphogenic field that could no longer be organized even by him.

We are in a new, old age of biological un-contagion much like our trillions of cells upon laying down to sleep must withdraw their attention from an obsessed mind.  The cycles of Nature give us times of mass organization and periods of atomization.  Having trillions of cells all plugged into the same field is powerful whether the human is a fully committed ideologue or a sovereign pioneer. But having billions of humans within the same bioelectrical field is an opportunity and a danger that needs a circuit breaker.  Enter citadelization.

Citadelization uses contagion to a local strong bioelectrical field to remain free of contagion by weaker fields.  The strongest field should be a single human’s love of their own life.  Even the most patriotic song or charismatic leader should have no ability to override and invade our clear self interest grounded within the citadel of self.  Rape, pillage and organized crime is an induced bioelectrical field where organized leadership seduces self interest into a contagion of directed force.  Even Hitler needed a people wounded by military and economic collapse and Mao needed war, poverty and envy of the peasants to affect their contagions.

The American idea of Manifest Destiny of a continental nation state and the offer of free land seduced the penetration of the local citadels of Native American tribes.  We Americans were no better than the Vandals or the Mongols.  We just had a better story to tell ourselves.  History is written by men organizing into contagions of self interest until there is no more advantage to harvest from conquest.  Is there a possible antidote?  A bioelectrical un-contagion?

The obvious answer is a religion with teachings of morality and self perfection.  Unfortunately, that phase comes well after the missionary phase that all the Abrahamic religions carried out.  Today, most organized religions are mature enough to be a counterbalancing force of state driven bioelectrical un-contagion.  Any excuse to not organize violence into mass conflict is welcome even if it based upon superstition or metaphysics.

If religion can no longer provide an effective ability to stop mass contagions, what can stand up to the tools of mass communication?  A benign dictator could use them for “good”.  I’m not betting the ranch on that when economic slavery and technocracy are on the verge of a severe outbreak.

There is the tried and true method of societal collapse back to small tribal units for the restoration of citadelization in an age of contagion by ideology or technology.  Or we could experience our first contact with an alien species which would, without a doubt, cause a renewal of human brotherhood and co-empowerment.  How about we just assume we are not alone in the galaxy and start acting as a single species?

Biological contagion and un-contagion is always a process of growth as we humans add another layer of complexity to our life.  From individual to family to tribe to race to nation and now to species each layer forces us to reorder the boundaries between them to optimize life.  Mass communication has created a disturbance we are still processing and reorganizing our layers between self and non-self.

Logically, the current world wide disturbance we are passing through is the reordering of our layers of unique citadels as we attempt to create a species wide order of what humanity is to stand up and face the cosmos.  This Institute is dedicated to offering a peaceful and powerful solution.


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