Legitimate Authority II

Today we continue to explore the area and responsibility of legitimate authority of “we the people”.  And how we can recover our power of instinct for action in the face of imminent threat. No one thinks twice about the body’s power to put the mind and heart to sleep every night for the sake of our whole organism or the flinch instinct to save our fingers when touching a hot stove.  If the body and the people cannot or do not take their responsibility for the health and protection of the organism, it is doomed.

Citadelization is by definition a defensive structure of self with the ability to participate in a win-win organization even if each cell does not have the ability to escape or survive on its own.  Our constitution begins with “we the people” and implies “who are not slaves to their government”.  “We the people” is the founding power and authority that is the dividing line between freedom and slavery ensured by each other.

We the people escaped a “body” of people enslaved by their sovereign king or landed master whose law we could no longer abide because it was not based upon a win-win compact.  We rebelled against that type of authority and established a contract between the people that allowed for the growth of a great nation of free people.  And over time, we have allowed ourself to be re-enslaved within a body we cannot escape by an authoritarian mindset (government) and an emotional of fear (heart).  What to do?

If we look at all the past political revolutions attempting to restore an instinct of freedom, we see mind fighting mind or heart fighting heart or mind fighting heart.  All were easily manipulated by so called leaders for an agenda based upon division.  Even the American Revolution was by a minority of white, male, land owners.  George Washington was one of the largest land owners in the colonies and ended up being the first president who could have easily become a king.  But he established the two term limit on leadership and free election for renewal.

The two term tradition was finally broken by FDR in a period of world wide authoritarianism but was then fixed and institutionalized by the agreement of both parties within the constitution.  The lesson learned is that the law must be enforced by the agreement of the people or it will be abused.  From the very beginning of the founding of America, it has always been and will always be the commitment of “we the people” that can save us from sliding back into slavery.

What can we all agree upon today?  First, no leader is coming to save us. We must save ourself, together.  Second, we have the legitimate authority to say no by both instinct and constitution. A single no is weak. A symphony of no is powerful. Only a banding together of the people based upon remaining free and self-sovereign can renew our nation.

Each citizen must become as resilient and self-sufficient as possible so as to make having a master irrelevant.  At the same time, we must use whatever extra will, knowledge and resource to set our neighbor free.  We must refuse to support any form of economic and social slavery.  We must reawaken the instinct of survival and remember we can only be truly free when surrounded by free people.

Our legitimate authority rests with we the people who donate by agreement attention to the mind and energy to the heart.  When the mind and heart, the state and the church, become oppressive we the people have the duty and the right to say no. Today, that looks like an insurmountable task because we are so interdependent, so indebted and so enslaved.  And yet, we must act.

Our best chance of successful re-installation of our legitimate authority is to withdraw as much attention and energy as possible from centralized authority and morality.  Each citizen must remember their own internal instinct of survival and pathway towards thriving and act upon that without harming our fellow citizens. This comes from a refining and empowering of both yes and no in each moment and with every choice.

Citadelization is founded upon knowing thyself, that collective agreement of the trillions of cells that make up YOU, deeper than any other law or rule.  What will you die for? What will you live for?  If the legitimate authority of your actions lies outside of you then you are a slave.

You must set yourself free first or any action you take out of fear or frustration will be within someone else power.  Start there and everything becomes your instinct of legitimate authority.  Act from that place and you will encourage others to remember themselves as free people too.  Then we are back on the path of win-win cooperation.


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