Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Legitimate Authority III

Last time we talked about chaos and order as implosive and explosive forces that find balance and create a citadel in the shape of a perfect sphere. Human history has yet to find that balance and we experience dramatic swings between order and chaos.  Revolutions come along to break up dysfunctional orders and authoritarian regimes are established from the exhaustion of sustained chaos. What would a balanced human world and story look like?

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Legitimate Authority II

Today we continue to explore the area and responsibility of legitimate authority of “we the people”.  And how we can recover our power of instinct for action in the face of imminent threat. No one thinks twice about the body’s power to put the mind and heart to sleep every night for the sake of our whole organism or the flinch instinct to save our fingers when touching a hot stove.  If the body and the people cannot or do not take their responsibility for the health and protection of the organism, it is doomed.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Legitimate Authority

Within the human organism, there is a place and purpose designed and built to interface with the outer world and coordinate our activities.  Our mind.  There is also within the human organization something we call our conscience which carries an imbedded wisdom of right and wrong and feelings about our actions.  Our heart center has abilities beyond simply pumping blood.

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