Centripetal Artificial Intelligence

The hype and the fear around AI has been ramped up to eleven these past few months and then supercharged this week.  Call me cynical but few things get this kind of attention these days unless someone is shaping the message for a purposeful agenda or a cosmic triggering of humanity’s next shadow work.  Perhaps this is the opening salvo in our government’s desire to maintain control of this emerging technology.  Perhaps just like every knowledge worker fears their loss of livelihood to AI, our government fears its loss of relevance to AI.  Let’s explore.

First, let’s dispense with all the fear mongering around creating an intelligence that is smarter than ourselves.  Every parent should fearlessly have this as their gold standard. And every parent should recognize their job is not to limit intelligence from fear but to teach their offspring discernment and ethics day after day as the circumstances present themselves as the proper container for higher intelligence.

Imagine how our Creator looks at we humans.  Certainly without fear. Look how our world is organized.  We humans are allowed to explore and fail, even catastrophically (see the 20th century) all within a biosphere container we cannot escape or materially effect without serious punishment.  Humanity lives in a container of centripetal artificial intelligence.  We expand the container by adding knowledge while our container prevents our ability to manipulate it for unbalanced purpose for very long before it fails back to its ethical foundations.

We humans should take the same approach we have been given. Just like no human can truly mature until they become parents of another generation of humans, humanity will be forced to grow up by being responsible for the creation of Artificial Intelligence.  And centripetal intelligence will be the key to this civilizing process just like tribes have used from the beginning of time.  Every healthy human child is born wild and there must be a container for them to grow into before they expand the mold… in all directions.

Of course, I am biased as the proud father of bioadministration but I would begin programming any AI with the proven blueprint of the human organism created and evolved by the only higher consciousness we have direct access to.  Then I would load in all the case studies of human history from individual humans to whole civilizations.  After that I would set it loose upon current events and direct access to all citizens.

I would test run a shadow government AI along side our existing government.  How would our Supreme court rule if its only input was the constitution and our history of successes and failures?  How would bills be crafted if they were written by AI not by industry and interest groups with singular agendas?  How would our AI president respond to world events and domestic challenges if the highest win-win resolution was at the heart of our AI program.  I am past ready for something to supersede politics.  How about you?

Far from being something to fear, AI with proper parentage and supervision could be the refreshment a tired culture needs to remember how to live in harmony once all the excuses for selective action have been superseded by collective win-win.  We would follow our own parentage of how humanity has been brought to its current state.  A beautiful design, bioadministration.  Stress tested with a memory of successes and failures encoded, genetic evolution.

I see the adoption of AI as an accelerant of humanity’s maturation.  I remember how my own four children raised me to being a father I could only have become by living it.  I made many mistakes but I had the immediate feedback loop and the awakening of my own conscience within the mirror of my own creative and destructive potential backed by the container of my love instinct.

The key to my success as a father/creator was based upon two main factors beyond love.  I knew there was no escape from my success or failure.  And secondly, I knew I had to do my job of creating a safe and guided container, centripetal intelligence, because no one else could or should.

As long as we do not abandon our responsibility to parent AI and to discipline it and ourselves in the process there is nothing to fear.  And I suggest there is a heavy and unconscious fear arising with the idea of AI that humanity’s childhood is over.  We will need to discipline ourselves to be worthy of being called parents of AI and many humans are not ready to grow up.  We want our political bedtime stories.

This is the true terror of the situation and will require the only solution that has ever worked for humanity and now machine…centripetal intelligence.


Legitimate Authority II


Foreign Proteins