Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Centripetal Artificial Intelligence

The hype and the fear around AI has been ramped up to eleven these past few months and then supercharged this week.  Call me cynical but few things get this kind of attention these days unless someone is shaping the message for a purposeful agenda or a cosmic triggering of humanity’s next shadow work.  Perhaps this is the opening salvo in our government’s desire to maintain control of this emerging technology.  Perhaps just like every knowledge worker fears their loss of livelihood to AI, our government fears it loss of relevance to AI.  Let’s explore.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence

When the last great technological revolution founded upon electricity and oil became widespread it completely changed our entire economic, social and political structures.  If we add in Darwin, Nietzsche  and modern science we can say religion was completely brought into question also.  The disturbance that fell upon humanity 150 years ago was cataclysmic when comparing before and after.  The computer and AI revolution will be at least as transformative.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

First Contact

The idea of our first contact with the “other”, the space alien, has been imagined in books, television and movies for a century. This new opening added a cosmic dimension to the underworld “haunting” by demons and creatures who have chased humanity throughout time and in all recorded history. But serious UFO researchers finally get to the point of understanding there is no difference in who does the haunting as every form they take is mostly a creation of the human mind trying to make sense of something completely incomprehensible.

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