The Persistent Problem of Slavery

In my last post on citadelization, we explored the problem of psychopathy and being so self-centered that we treat everything external as a plaything of self-satisfaction and self-aggrandizement.  The other end of the spectrum is the slave mentality of no independent sovereignty and being the perfect canvas of the psychopath.  Both are a problem for any human organization and both reinforce the systemization of the other.

There’s a purportedly ancient book of wisdom called the Oera Linda that besides its disputed origins and troubled past has the affirmation to never even live next to or interact with a culture that practices slavery.  This advice is completely sound. Look at modern globalization.  We Americans have sold our soul for cheap sneakers and in the process have enslaved third-world people to piece work and bankrupted ourselves.

Five decades ago, at the height of the organized labor movement, the distribution of income between labor and capital was at its most fair and balanced in the modern age. Yes, General Motors cars sucked and America was still riding artificially high after World War II.  But the fair and cohesive nature of win-win partnership came from an empowered workforce and empowered capital.  And I acknowledge there were too many labor strikes and there were usury laws and interest rate regulations that probably seems like a slavery of capital.  Things went too far and the United States could not and should not be isolated from the world. Globalization is only a problem when doing business with slaves.

Our capital and our wage structure lifted Europe and then Japan into equal prosperity while Marxism and Communism delivered equal suffering and retarded half the world in a new form of shared slavery.  Once that half of the world collapsed we added billions of workers used to slave wages and treatment. And it has overwhelmed us.  We have papered over this problem of doing business with slaves by printing fiat dollars while hoping we were going to bring the rest of the world into the modern age the way we did Europe and Japan.

Now there’s over $400 trillion of worldwide debt and we are all slaves to a fictitious money system and to the lowest wages with the weakest safety and environmental regulations is where the hot money goes to take advantage of this new slavery.  China looks like an economic miracle until you look at the safety nets to stop on-the-job suicide and the social credit system that allows the slaves to apparently walk freely (as long as they behave).

America is on the verge of a massive loss of prosperity from having unseen slaves sew our clothes, from having our democracy outspend any possible ability to pay it back (even as slaves) while using up most of the one-time cheap energy resource of mined hydrocarbons.  Systemic slavery has blown back to our shores and there is no more hiding from this last half century of messianic belief that our system could outlaw slavery worldwide. I applaud us for trying.

I blame our systemic unconscious agreements for allowing the enslavement of labor.  We also had near zero percent cost of capital for over seven years and not even enslaved capital could rescue the slavery of labor. So who is the boogie man if both labor and capital were enslaved? Our government.  Between excessive and captured regulation by government mandate and the loss of productivity by enshrining failure and not allowing it to die or correct we have fed the cancer that has now metastasized.

As much as I hate to admit it, there is not going to be a savior for America.  There are too many slaves and the psychopaths have run out of candy to continue to seduce us.  There will be the personal salvation that bursts forth once the puss pocket explodes the infection into the open air.  The re-citadelization of the structure of society down to effective sizes that allow for right action and the restoration of win-win cooperation will happen again as it always does at the end of an empire.  Life has its own wisdom that cannot be lost, only forgotten.

So slaves and psychopaths arise.  Look in the mirror and know you are lost upon the borderlands of humanity.  The only way to stay where you are is to enshrine your life in death because life demands self-sovereignty, especially after seasons of self-delusion.


Memory and Hydrocarbons


Why Humans?