Memory and Hydrocarbons

Our modern world is powered by the extraction, processing and consumption of stored memories of life on Earth. No hydrocarbons did not start as organic life and the incomplete residue of that life has become an essential resource to harvest.  Oil is abiotic because all life has this ability to absorb plasma energy from the sun and materialize it.  Memory, once the pure Light of God, is trapped in matter.

What memories?  Every memory less than the pure expression of the zero point is held as potential awaiting reconciliation upon demand. This is the modern oil business.  Find, extract and process these sensations met light and became trapped into matter to power our world and in the process harvest their memory of life. How different is human life?

We start life with no memory.  There are few memories created as babies and young children because we are excellent transmuters of the energy we experience.  The Chinese have a saying that “children have a hollow chest” meaning that no residue or memory is created in the instantaneous and complete reconciliation of the moment to moment life of a child.

Actually children do create memory.  The memory of God, the frequency of the zero point is the odorless, colorless, tasteless everything that is the background radiation of all existence.  The life force that flows through our unseen God matches the perfect reconciliation within the heart of a child.  It is the adults that remember their life stored within the tissues of their bodies, hearts and minds. Its called personality. Its called old age.  Its called belief. These are life’s memories  trapped like hydrocarbon awaiting harvest.

We look upon wars and death between people as human driven.  Cosmonomics sees certain groups of people ripe for harvest due to their unresolved memories are at the front of the line to be “picked” when the cosmos comes a calling for a demand upon the stored resource within humanity.  Death is the uncontrolled recapitulation of life’s memories when the vortex around the zero point “takes our sins (memories) away”.

Does this seem cruel?  That we are God’s oil refinery and fuel source.  Do the living cells of our liver that accomplish thousands of complex chemical transmutations to respond to their “god’s” food, alcohol and other life choices resent us, their god they cannot escape?  Life is built upon the same model.  The organization that gives us life and fills our well with memory and then drinks from it is ultimately fair because the model applies both above us and below us.

Some humans have figured out this economic relationship with the cosmos I call cosmonomics.  There have been many names throughout history to call the “perennial wisdom”.  Knowing the rules by which the game of life is played leads people to create religions as a way to manage this harvest.  These are (supposed to be) God’s oilmen, the preachers and ministers that make the transmission of trapped memory into the zero point a harmonious experience for the human.

Individually, any human would be wise to not be a juicy target for harvest by being in an unreconciled, chaotic state.  The perennial wisdom in each age contains a strategic adaptation of technique of prayer, mediation, sun dance, fasting, etc. to consciously feed God by reconciling with life, taking the emotional charge out of our memories and “dying before you die”.  Be a gas station on your own choice and timing and the individual human feeds both the infant god growing as their immortal soul and acts as God’s most excellent liver cell.

It’s a win-win to walk the spiritual journey once there is a storehouse of memory to harvest but before death comes to rip our life out.  A complete human life is both as low as being a tool of energetic harvest as a child to a mature adult that can consciously know several layers of existence at once.  When we know ourself as the food, the farmer and we are the eater, the oil, the oilman and the driver, this is the mysterious state called God consciousness.

Everything this side of the zero point is in a process of creating memories, storing memories or harvesting memories.  Forgive the devils their duty to create often painful memories.  Honor the Christ consciousness that wants to eat your sins.  Memory trapped in matter is the way God tucks away parts of Himself for a rainy day.  So do humans. So does life abundant.


Sympathetic and Parasympathetic


The Persistent Problem of Slavery