Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

The administration of our body’s nervous system is divided into two opposing halves. The sympathetic contracts and intensifies while the parasympathetic opens and relaxes. Oriental medicine doctrine describes this as yang (masculine) and yin (feminine) with their interaction being the Tao. The balance of the two poles acts like an accelerator pedal controlling the flow of fuel racing our heartbeats and raising our blood pressure as needed and decelerating the revolutions per minute to allow for resting and conservation of health and energy.

Imagine if the body did not respond to the actions directed by the mind.  There would be no willpower because the nervous system did not react automatically and harmoniously to the chosen conditions.  Imagine the mind backed by the emotional body was always being overstimulated by adrenaline and cortisol.  This mind-body connection of our bipolar nervous system is the foundation for health, vitality and action.  Therefore, systemic disturbances of our nervous system affect and color our entire life.

What medical doctor or psychotherapist would not look closely at the balance of our autonomic nervous system to diagnose their patient?  Does the politician, the advertiser or the CEO follow the signals of the nervous system or do they attempt to manipulate it for their purpose? “Never let a crisis go to waste” seems to be the accepted political doctrine.  Or, in reverse, never let the people relax and feel at peace. “Keep them doggies rollin!” say the cowboys about their herd of cattle.

This mind-body connection we know as our own nervous system has analogs at all levels of living organizations. The ability to be sensitive, both sympathetic and parasympathetic, not over or under-stimulated, in any condition is essentially the definition of life and its level of health.  The human organization that honors the mind-body connection will be the most capable and the most alive.  The human organization that allows this connection and control of its nervous system to be manipulated is failing at life.

Let’s diagnose the current health of Western civilization based upon the state of its internal nervous condition.  The United States has been under emergency orders and conditions since 9/11.  The US military and president have an open blank check with an AUMF (authority for use of military force) from Congress that is over twenty years old and has justified open-ended actions worldwide against a vaporous enemy named  Terror.  Talk about being overstimulated.

The wealth and health of our bodily reserves have not been husbanded.  They have been harvested for an agenda that has interrupted the mind-body connection and the parasympathetic relaxation and restoration of energy and health.  We know what happens to our own body when we play this trick of coffee and other stimulates.  If it becomes systemic then the body will eventually collapse into a healing crisis in hope of a restoration of sympathetic/parasympathetic balance.

The people of this land will remain.  What is at risk is the first self-government designed with a sensitive mind-body connection between leaders and the people because it has allowed itself to become over-stimulated for too long by unsustainable agendas like empire, monopoly and socialism.  What cannot endure, will not.  The overstimulation of the sympathetic will continue to build a deficit on the parasympathetic becoming a dam that must break.  The people and the water will eventually flow freely again.  The river swells after a rain, and becomes peaceful again in the sunshine.

I have advocated from many different angles the absolute need for our mind, our federal government, to be put to sleep by the most gentle invitation of its body, the people.  The sympathetic versus parasympathetic is just another example of inviolable laws of life and death that must be adhered to by every level of human organization.  This is the essence of bioadministration.

Using the human organizational blueprint for all human organization will eventually be so blatantly obvious that politicians and other abusers of the mind-body connection for their own agenda will be shunned as criminals of life and health.  Disease and psychopathy is built into the system to force a reaction by truth and health.  The border zone between life and death, health and disease cannot be bridged or violated without consequence.

We, the parasympathetic, can either force the sympathetic into remission by withdrawing our energy and attention or it will kill this organization called Western civilization.  And another more balanced expression of life will naturally arise.




Memory and Hydrocarbons