
These last several weeks in my posts on the people’s power and responsibility under the heading of citadelization, I have encouraged a curation of our environment away from both slavery and psychopathy.  This basic theme applied to a small tribe makes perfect sense.  In the case of the psychopath or the slave mentality neither can be tolerated within the boundary of a healthy win-win organization.  And win-win cooperation is the foundation of citadelization.

So, if something cannot be tolerated, this leads us to the slippery slope of the organization’s authority to self regulate. And to punish or to curate.  The science of eugenics, consciously choosing genetic expression, arose in the English speaking countries but was first openly practiced by the Nazis.  Some researchers have even speculated that Germany was an experimental petri dish supported by wealthy and powerful eugenicists that got a little too successful by curating a homogenous culture, driven by ego enhancing propaganda and free of all the ethnically and medically/psychologically challenging problems.

Now, being a full blooded German American and doing my own spiritual work has made me look as objectively as possible at this historical phenomenon. And the unresolved nature of this period in history still haunts the German people and leaves a charge upon this time period that has kept resolution and understanding at bay for emotional and political reasons. But at this current time, two of the most charged issues being put before humanity in the news is AI and UFO’s.  As much as we humans do not want to face having slaves or psychopaths, nor eugenics, we now have electronic machine and dimensional invasions to add to the challenges our human tribe is facing.

We could also consider novel chemical compounds, biological experimentation and gene splicing as forms of self imposed invasion disturbing the core of what humanity is.  In short, humanity is under an unprecedented assault and there will be a backlash driven by our strong survival instinct that will inevitably attempt to create a citadel around the human tribe.  We will need to revisit this idea of eugenics not as a divider of races and ethic purity but as a divider of the human versus the non-human, between the living and the dead.

The unprecedented (to known human history) harvest of fossil fuels and the expansion of human work by factors in the thousands has allowed humanity to flourish and to never have to make the hard choices that a true winter season would force.  But to ignore the principals of societal health and vitality in this extended summer season for humanity just creates population and disease bubbles that must pop.  And so we are faced with the dilemma that eugenics must be and cannot be practiced.  We are waiting for Nature or an alien intervention to do our dirty work for us.

The single human organism practices eugenics every second of every day, driven and guided by an autonomous immune system.  Bioadministration states clearly that our greater human organizations must use the designed, evolved and tested blueprint  of our own body, heart and mind system.  Including a greater immune system.  This inevitable conclusion and the troubled history of eugenics kept me from proselytizing for immediate adoption.  And considering the number of psychopaths and slaves in government and people, I too wished for Nature to come and do this dirty job for we humans. But I draw the line at some benevolent alien overlord.

I am ready to face eugenics head on instead of letting it hide in the corners as autism, abortions, welfare, cancer, vaccines, etc.,etc.  AI, UFO disclosure and resource depletion are the breaking points for an unconscious agreement to shatter our collective ignorance of our human and cosmic duty to learn how to regulate ourselves and our species.  Can we be let out of our home world before we learn to find our homeostasis here with Nature and with each other?  I think not.

Life has been our shaper and our teacher and our enforcer long enough.  Our scientists are breaking the bounds of Nature like a kid with matches.  We must grow up and start having adult conversations with all the lessons that Life on our planet have taught us.  Humans have limits that must be self imposed or they will be imposed upon us like children that must be punished to get the message.

Eugenics is not a dirty word nor is self regulation because that is what eugenics is, and we are already doing it in many unconscious ways.  There is a human ideal.  Until humanity aspires to openly and honestly regulate itself against our best vision of ourself we will not be sovereign as humanity further opens to the cosmos. Or the cosmos comes a calling.


Ukraine and the Weapon of Mass Reconciliation


Sympathetic and Parasympathetic