Ukraine and the Weapon of Mass Reconciliation

This latest offensive in Ukraine is a literal slaughter of human life.  Jaded commentaries on the internet that Slav on Slav violence my be the objective for the Western powers.  Harmonics of World War II with the existential spirit of the Eastern Front pitting the Soviets versus the Nazis are certainly inflaming factors.  It was these historical periods of irrational human sacrifice, called war, which provided the splinter in my mind leading to my theory of cosmonomics and my essay called the Weapon of Mass Reconciliation.

War has the patinas of patriotism and conquest to hide the true purpose of human suffering and death.  Every ancient culture prior to our current age of modern warfare, had their own form of ritual sacrifice to “appease the gods”.  Blood letting in the arena, the stone altar or the fields, throwing the virgin maiden into the volcano and even the crucifixion of Jesus all forced a reconciliation between man and the cosmos through the vehicle of an innocent heart.

The more innocent the heart, and therefore a more perfect doorway to the zero point, could “save” the multitude.  This is the essence of the Christian Mystery. In Ukraine, there are many innocents being pressed into military service to face Russian convicts let out of prison to serve as their executioners.  And there are Ukrainian Nazis behind the lines to execute everyone that tries to run away.  In short, its a vortex of mass reconciliation not unlike the physical representations of a hurricane or a tornado that catches everyone in its path, criminal and innocent.

The question I have is “can man rise above this mass psychosis?” And the theory I propose says, yes, we can once we humans understand our place in the cosmic order, understand the cosmic currency by which we must pay our dues to Life and design rituals that share the burden equally.  The elevator pitch for cosmonomics is we humans create bioenergetic substances from our emotional body upon demand the same way our own liver is required to produce enzymes and other catalyzing compounds to restore individual human homeostasis. We live inside a greater living organism and must play and pay our part.

Since the most potent form of production is in human death (uncontrolled recapitulation) then if the priests or the politicians are in charge of who and how humanity pays our dues this process is unfair and often abused.  I wrote the essay “Weapon of Mass Reconciliation” at the 2006 height of the US involvement in the Iraq War as the storm of death was not just unresolved but expanding.  My purpose was to alert and empower both people and policy makers by reminding all sides that war is simply a consequence of being “milked” by the cosmos after humanity forgot how to milk itself.

Small tribes, even to this day, still practice ritual cleansing of trapped contradictions within and between individuals via ceremonial reconciliation with the use of ecstatic dance, singing music and entheogenic plants.  The idea of an archaic revival espoused by my friend and cosmonaut  Terrance McKenna was an early seed idea of this need to return to ritual emotional connection and expression towards humanity’s eternal cosmic womb.  I connected all the dots into a conscious understanding and empowerment of humanity via the science of cosmonomics.

Which brings us back to the current events in Ukraine.  Today’s sacrificial lamb.  Before Ukraine, the borderland, the vortex of mass reconciliation was centered over Syria and Western Iraq.  In the decade of the nineties the vortex was over the former Yugoslavia.  When humanity forgets its cosmic duty then the cosmos naturally finds those places with the highest degree of division and therefore the greatest opportunity for reconciliation once the healing vortex is opened.  Higher orders of life can sense chronic tension inside its own body and mass reconciliation via war is a powerful reconciler.

Every living thing has the internal drive to harmony and to maintain homeostasis.  War is not the preferred tool. Nor is pandemic. Nor natural disaster.  But as humans forget their place in the cosmic order and their civilizations no longer practice good emotional hygiene then these cosmic methods must visit humanity to release the trapped contradictions in the organic battery of the Earth’s biosphere.

Imagine a world where people with saint-like hearts are our new standing armies.  They could be deployed to “hot spots” and use powerful tools to open a healing vortex that serves both humanity and our Host while providing comfort and anti-inflammatory reconciliation that is truly win-win.  This will happen…when the world wide pain of helplessly watching Ukraine and the Middle East and Yugoslavia finally wakes humanity up to the power of mass reconciliation.

I pray for humanity to awaken to their cosmic duty and cosmic power and for that glorious day to come as soon as possible.


Bioadministration World Order III

