Bioadministration World Order III

There are many legitimate reasons for the organization of humanity into a world governance.  Nuclear annihilation, alien contact and capitalistic resource depletion to name but three.  The best reason is the evolved adaptation of the highest living organism, the human, has the blueprint for win-win cooperation of trillions of individual life forms we call cells. Humanity will be at its most capable, most secure and most contented when all humans are living within one system of agreement with natural checks and balances. Mind, heart, body. The triad of life.

Unfortunately, the mind is a trial and error learner and imagination makes the mind great at justifying its actions even after catastrophic failure. See Afghanistan. If this sounds like our modern government, that’s because our governing structures are the externalization of our group mind.  Our group heart expressed as spirituality, morality and religion is in a period of reset so its not helping the mind redirect.  Our individual cells, the people, in this information age makes everyone their own expert and experimenter. Our inept government is either the “stupid dad” of the modern situation comedy on television or the dark horror figure leading us into dystopia. Evil or ignorant stupidity seems the only choices offered on the nightly menu.

Carrying all these burdens and ignoring all these programming limitations we still need our group mind to come together under one organizing principal as the next step for the evolution of humanity or we are on the verge of another world war, which is really a civil war, because we are all one organism fighting each other.  There are three paths to get to this next evolutionary step.

The left handed path of war that proves the effectiveness of that governance’s ability to organize and dominate the planet.  The United States after WWII and the Cold War.

The right handed path of mass suffering from some natural or environmental disaster that forces effective mental leadership of organized human caring. The Red Cross and the United Nations, in theory.

Or the center path that gives in to neither side but reconciles both into a higher way of being.  This path is the fairy tale of the idealized king and queen sitting on individual joint thrones as human representatives of a cosmic masculine and cosmic feminine in harmony.  Rarely has this been achieved, but implanted within the human soul is the gravitational concrescence of humanity being the divine child of a higher order and we seek that ideal as our human salvation.

Like our idealized godhood is a principal not a person, we need a divine principal to organize around.  And we have it now with modern science’s greatest achievement of codifying the divine blueprint of the individual human organization. There is no better example of harmony,  symmetry and capability as life than the human.  The principal by which we function is the only hope for humanity to ascend into a harmony we know we can have and deserve but keep failing at due to imbalance and ignorance.

I, for one, will only submit to a divinely inspired world order based upon bioadministration.  Any world governance that does not represent the tripartite nature of the human is my natural adversary.  I want with all my heart and soul for humanity to be reconciled and strong to head to other stars and I want humanity to be a reconciled whole as we meet alien influences.  I want humanity to understand our place and purpose within the cosmic economy and to pay the price of life we honor and receive.

I can be the greatest advocate for world government…held to the cosmic standard that the human blueprint is.  And I can be the most ungovernable cell in a less than divine order that seeks my suffering and my slavery to systemically benefit another.

Humanity has wandered in ignorance of our divine blueprint for thousands of years and still found harmony and fulfillment in smaller representatives of the cosmic order in families and in tribes.  That is always home base.  And I love the excitement of our modern world with all its abilities for travel and learning from other humans that technology has brought to us.

I want my human birthright. And I will settle for nothing less.


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Ukraine and the Weapon of Mass Reconciliation